International conference in defense of persecuted Ukrainian Church held in Bulgaria

Sofia, August 29, 2024

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Representatives of several Local Orthodox Churches and experts from various countries gathered in Sofia on Monday, August 26, for a conference in defense of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is facing increasing persecution from its own state.

Ukrainian Parliament adopted and President Zelensky signed a new law intended to ban the canonical UOC last week.

Participants in the conference, “Blockade of Aggression Against the Church–Defense of Orthodoxy,” included His Eminence Metropolitan Luke of Zaporozhye of the UOC, His Eminence Archbishop Theodosios of Sebaste of the Jerusalem Patriarchate, Fr. Mikhail Kovachev of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, and a number of lawyers, journalists, political analysts, and Christian rights activists, reports the Union of Orthodox Journalists.

Topics included religious discrimination and persecution, the pressure on the UOC, the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, and challenges facing the Orthodox Churches.

Abp. Theodosios thanked the participants in the forum for their efforts to “loudly declare an end to the persecution to which our sister Orthodox Church in Ukraine is subjected.”

“This is the correct Orthodox Christian position, and we cannot remain silent in the face of these serious violations and unprecedented abuses committed against the only legitimate Orthodox Church in Ukraine, which is headed by His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry,” he said.

The conference participants adopted a resolution that was delivered to the Ukrainian Embassy, calling for:

  • A repeal of the law banning the UOC

  • An end to the seizure of UOC churches by schismatics, nationalists, and local authorities, and for justice to be served to those involved in such seizures

  • Condemnation of and an end to the campaign to discredit members of the UOC conducted by leading Ukrainian media outlets

  • The release of arrested clergy

  • The cessation of arrests of clergy to be used in prisoner exchanges with Russia

  • The lifting of sanctions against UOC hierarchs

  • The cessation of shelling of Orthodox churches

The participants also expressed concern about the destruction of icons of Russian saints and Church utensils associated with the Russian Church.

The conference called on Ukrainian authorities to stop political and administrative support for the schismatic “Orthodox Church of Ukraine,” which is aimed at the destruction of the UOC. These requirements are necessary to ensure the stability of the Orthodox community in Ukraine, the participants believe.

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