Georgian faithful protest in defense of persecuted Ukrainian Orthodox Church (+VIDEO)

Tbilisi, September 4, 2024     

A group of faithful Georgian Orthodox priests rallied in support of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is currently facing severe persecution by the Ukrainian state, which recently passed a law to ban the Church.

The rally took place on Sunday, September 1, in the Alexander Garden in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi, reports Izvestia.

“Dear brothers and sisters! We are addressing you from Georgia, one of the oldest Christian countries. We are not indifferent to the fate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, since there is one universal Orthodox Church of Christ, in which we are all united, regardless of nationality and citizenship,” one of the participants said, reading an appeal to the Orthodox faithful of Ukraine.

The protestors expressed the conviction that Ukrainian holy sites are no less important for the Georgian faithful. The decision by the Ukrainian authorities, to pass a law that allows for the banning of the UOC, is hostile not only to Ukrainian Orthodox Christians, but all Orthodox Christians, including in Georgia, the protestors declared.

“The UOC is our Church. It’s holy sites are our holy sites,” the appeal stated.

The demonstrators carried banners calling for the protection of the Kiev Caves Lavra and the release of UOC clergy who have been detained and prosecuted for their steadfastness in holy Orthodoxy. Several of the Georgian faithful also held signs with crossed-out Nazi symbols. Other signs read, “The Orthodox Church is Indivisible!” and “In Ukraine, there is only one Orthodox Church. The UOC!”

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