Ukrainian priest's family seeks aid for ailing infant

Dnipropetrovsk Province, Ukraine, September 17, 2024

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A priest of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church is asking for help for his infant daughter who is in need of urgent medical care.

Fr. Vladimir Palaguta, a cleric of the Kamensk Diocese, and his Matushka Ludmila had a daughter, Agnia, three months ago. Unfortunately, she was injured during birth and is now suffering from hypoxic damage to the central nervous system (Grade III cerebral hemorrhage). Agnia was also diagnosed with a heart defect, reports Foma in Ukraine.

Thus, the family is asking for all possible material and prayerful assistance.

“A lot of money is spent on examinations and rehabilitation (massages, medicines, and consultations with specialists). She was prescribed a new course of treatment, but we don’t have the funds," writes Agnia's mother.

The baby also requires expensive formula as her only source of nutrition. Each can costs more than $30 and lasts six days.

Fr. Vladimir and Matushka Ludmila also have a 4-year-old and a 2-year-old and are taking care of Fr. Vladimir’s elderly father.

“We kindly ask compassionate individuals to respond!” the Palagutas write.

Material assistance can be sent via PayPal:

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