Georgian Parliament approves bill against LGBT propaganda

Tbilisi, September 18, 2024     

Georgian Parliament adopted a legislative package against LGBT propaganda yesterday, September 17.

The package consists of the central bill, “On the Protection of Family Values and Minors,” with 18 amendments to various other laws.

The legislation was approved 84-0, with the majority of opposition MPs boycotting the session. This was the third and final reading of the bill. It requires the signature of the head of state to finally pass into law.

President Salome Zourabichvili, an outspoken critic of the ruling Georgian Dream party, has said she will veto the bill, though the ruling coalition also has enough votes to override her veto, explains euro news.

The package includes bans on same-sex marriages, adoption by same-sex couples, gender-affirming care, public propaganda of LGBTQ+ relations and people, and depictions of them in the media. This would include banning Pride events, which have drawn fierce opposition and sometimes descended into violence in recent years.

Of course, the Georgian Orthodox Church, in fidelity to the Lord Jesus Christ, stands against the normalization of the LGBT agenda. In a statement addressing Tbilisi Pride last year, the Patriarchate stated:

We believe that LGBT propaganda is inadmissible and unacceptable, particularly in a country with deep-rooted Christian values and a centuries-old cultural heritage.

Any manifestation of propaganda amongst the youth is violence against their consciousness.

Ignoring the repeated protests of the largest part of the population of Georgia demonstrates disrespect for the nation’s core values and is a clear attempt to cause moral damage.

Apart from the propaganda of sin, every such activity is also a cause of civil strife and tension, as can be easily seen from the increased polarization in society during the LGBT events.

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