Detroit: New mission center opens at OCA cathedral

Detroit, October 1, 2024

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Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral (Orthodox Church in America) in Detroit is home to a newly opened mission center.

The mission center, dedicated to serving others with a Christ-centered Orthodox ethos, was formally opened on Saturday, September 28, reports the OCA’s Diocese of the Midwest.

The day began with the Divine Liturgy celebrated by dean of the Michigan Deanery Archpriest Dusan Koprivica, cathedral dean Fr. Philip Dage, Archpriest Paul Albert, Archpriest John Baker, Fr. John York, and Deacon Lazarus DerGhazarian.

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Then, processing to the mission center, Fr. Philip blessed the premises as the faithful sang the Trisagion hymn in English and Spanish.

A festive meal was offered by Orthodox Detroit Outreach, a non-profit organization that offers weekly meals to the local community at the center.

The mission center now has a brand new commercial-grade kitchen, an expanded dining hall, and a dedicated food and clothing pantry.

The faithful of all area parishes are encouraged to join in the mission center’s work.

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