Constantinople-Ukrainian priest opens rally as Trump returns to town where he was shot (+VIDEO)

Butler, Pennsylvania, October 11, 2024

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An Orthodox priest offered a prayer to open the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, October 5.

This was the ex-president’s second rally in the town of 13,000, after he survived an assassination attempt there in July.

The opening prayer was offered by Fr. John Charest, rector of Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Carnegie, Pennsylvania.

The priest of the Patriarchate of Constantinople’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA began with “O Heavenly King,” then offered his own prayer that included entreaties for the repose of the soul of the man who was killed in the assassination attempt in July, for the protection of President Trump and all of America, and for help for those affected by Hurricane Helene.

His prayer reads:

O Lord, we thank you for allowing us to gather today, for the right to peacefully assemble, for the grace of having the free will to choose good over evil, for Your mercy in forgiving our transgressions, for the angels you assign to protect and guide our first responders and military, and for all the blessings that have not been revealed to us that You alone know.

In your Divine mercy, we ask that You grant eternal rest to the soul of Your servant Corey, that You accept his soul into Your Kingdom, and that his memory be eternal. We also humbly ask that You grant peace and healing to the Comperatore family in this unimaginable time of grief and in the months and years to come.

Lord, bless and strengthen Your servant Donald, keeping him safe and shielding him from future attacks, along with all of our civil authorities, armed forces, first responders, and all the people of the United States of America.

We implore You to look from the height of Your holy dwelling place, and since You are good and merciful calm the affliction, misfortune, grief, and sorrow of those affected by Hurricane Helene. Reveal Your strength and protection so that the enemy might not rejoice as we face ruin.

O Lord Jesus Christ Our God, the wellspring of grace, with reverent and sincere hearts we Your faithful servants, standing before the magnificence of Your Divinity, offer You thanks for Your goodness. As our Lord, master, and benefactor, we praise, glorify, and magnify You, asking that You would hear the heartfelt supplications of Your servants and answer all of our pious requests. Lead down the path of righteousness all those who truly love Your name and follow Your commandments.

Deliver from evil these United States of America and all Your faithful, granting them peaceful lives free of all torment. Grant that we may offer You never-ending prayers of thanksgiving and supplication, magnifying You and calling out, glory to Thee, our God and benefactor to the ages of ages. Amen.

Archbishop Elpidophoros of the Patriarchate of Constantinople’s Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America offered the invocation at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August.

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