Metropolitan of Moldova calls on faithful to prayerfully participate in upcoming election

Chișinău, October 17, 2024

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His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir of Chișinău and Moldova issued an appeal to citizens to vote responsibly in the upcoming presidential election.

The hierarch emphasizes the election’s importance for the country’s future, urges civic duty regardless of political views, and encourages voters to seek spiritual guidance before making their decision.

On the same day, a referendum will be held on whether Moldova should join the EU.

His statement reads:

Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ,
Dear fellow citizens,

On October 20, an important civic event awaits us, during which we will decide not only who will be at the helm of the country as president for the next four years, but also what our path forward will be.

As the primate of the Orthodox Church of Moldova and also as a fellow citizen, I urge you all to conscientiously fulfill this duty that we all have, regardless of personal political views and preferences, and to be responsible from a civic point of view.

And before making this important decision, I urge you to seek counsel at the Holy and Divine Liturgy with the wisest and most impartial Counselor, our Savior Jesus Christ, after which you should make the decision you consider correct.

Let us therefore be attentive, because the votes we will cast on this day will determine not only our present but also the future of generations to come.


In September, Met. Vladimir issued a statement calling on the state to cease its pressure on the Church.

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