Greek bishop condemns plans for pagan temple to Zeus and Pan

Gortynia, Greece, January 22, 2025

Met. Nikephoros of Gortynos. Photo: Met. Nikephoros of Gortynos. Photo:     

Through a new circular, Metropolitan Nikephoros of Gortyna and Megalopolis of the Orthodox Church of Greece informs the faithful of his diocese about news published in local media concerning efforts to construct a pagan temple dedicated to Zeus and Pan.

The Metropolitan expresses in “sadness and concern” caused by hearing this news, while stating his view that this phenomenon “isn’t a return to a bright and glorious past, as its followers claim, but rather a regression to a dark world dominated by human passions and demonic works. It’s not a Greek phenomenon, but a foreign one that attempts to be forcibly transplanted into Greek reality.”

“Our glorious ancestors themselves recognized the inadequacy of their religion and were seeking something better, which they discovered in the Person of Jesus Christ,” he writes.

It is the Church’s duty to stand against such initiatives and to warn of the danger of spiritual confusion, Met. Nikephoros continues. The revival of paganism is “a step towards the darkness of delusion,” which threatens to cut man off from God.

The hierarch proposes to address these phenomena by strengthening spiritual life through Holy Communion, prayer and study, catechism and information, and finally strengthening parish life through the participation of the faithful in parish activities.

The Orthodox faithful mustn’t respond with hatred and hostility, but with prayer for those involved in such initiatives. “Christ calls us to love everyone, even those who don’t know Him or reject Him.”

The Metropolitan concludes with a call to remain steadfast in the Orthodox faith:

The Orthodox Church is the Ark of salvation. God, through His Church, gives us all the necessary provisions to live a spiritual life, bright and full of love. Therefore, I ask you to remain steadfast in our Orthodox faith and close to Christ's Church, avoiding participation in or support of such activities that disrupt our spiritual unity with Christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the only Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6), and any other religious worship that distances humans from their faith constitutes spiritual delusion.

Our Church, as a loving mother, stands close to all of you, offering spiritual guidance and support. In this spirit, I ask our Priests to organize informative talks and discussions in their parishes to answer your possible questions and strengthen your spiritual armor.

I pray that God, the only true and almighty one, may strengthen your faith, enlighten all our hearts, and lead us on the path of salvation.

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