Greek Orthodox diocese joins pro-life march in Australia

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, February 13, 2025

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The local Greek Orthodox faithful participated in the annual Walk for Life in Adelaide, South Australia, again this year.

The 6th annual Walk was held on Saturday, February 8, to raise awareness for the protection of unborn children. This year’s theme was “Real Men Protect Babies,” to emphasize men’s important role in the public discussion about abortion.

Four to five thousand people gathered for the event, including a noticeable Orthodox contingent, led by Bishop Silouanos of Adelaide of the Patriarchate of Constantinople’s Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, reports the Orthodoxia News Agency.

Representatives from other Christian denominations were also present, as well as prominent public figures, state and commonwealth parliamentarians from various political parties, and government representatives.

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The Orthodox presence at the Walk “has always been numerous and enthusiastic, carrying Orthodox icons that show the sanctity that the Orthodox Church attributes to life from conception,” including the Visitation of the Theotokos and St. Elizabeth showing the Christ Child and St. John the Baptist in their mothers’ wombs.

The Diocese of Adelaide also provided logistical support for the event, with the ladies of the Central Philoptochos Society providing food, water, and refreshments.

This year, there was a concerted effort to organize a counter-demonstration to disrupt the Walk, though only about 50 people showed up, an there was no direct confrontation with Walk participants.

Orthodox Christians also participated in the March for Life in Washington, D.C. and the Walk for Life in San Francisco again this year.

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