Dying girl's wish granted by 10,000 Christmas carolers

West Reading, Pennsylvania, December 23, 2013

Eight-year-old Laney Brown, from West Reading, Pennsylvania, was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia seven months ago.

Laney loves to sing Christmas carols, so for one of her dying wishes, she asked that people would come and sing outside her home.

On Saturday, the steady trickle of people coming to sing soon turned into crowds as locals flocked to Lacey's home to fulfil her wish.

In the end more than 10,000 people could be heard singing renditions of Silent Night, Jingle Bells and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer for Laney.

The little girl was too weak to come to the window to see the singers, but she heard them outside and posted a message on Facebook saying "I can hear you now!!! Love you!".

Her parents later issued a statement thanking all those who came to sing.

The Telegraph


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