In the year 363 Julian the Apostate was killed in his war with the Persians. Saint John was set free and devoted his life to service of neighbor, and he lived in holiness and purity. He died in his old age.
The precise year of his death is unknown, and the place of burial of Saint John the Warrior was gradually forgotten. Then he appeared to a certain devout woman and indicated the location of his tomb. This became known throughout the region. His uncovered relics were placed in a church of the Apostle John the Theologian in Constantinople. The Lord granted the relics of Saint John the Warrior the power of healing. Through the prayers of Saint John, the aggrieved and sorrowing received comfort.
In the Russian Church, Saint John the Warrior is revered as a great intercessor in sorrows and difficult circumstances. We also pray to him for the recovery of stolen articles.