St. Euboula the Mother of St. Panteleimon

Commemorated on March 30

Saint Euboula, Mother of the Great Martyr Panteleimon (July 27), died peacefully around 303, before the martyrdom of her son.

Troparion — Tone 5

Let us fittingly praise with joyful hymns, / holy Euboula, mother of our protector, Panteleimon. / She has given birth to our defender and healer, / the glory of martyrs and unmercinary physicians / and the swift healer of all.

Kontakion — Tone 3

Let us assemble today and joyfully celebrate / the mother of our protector, holy Euboula. / She stands before the throne of God with him, / interceding unceasingly for us, / that we may be granted forgiveness of our sins!

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