Patriarch Kirill consecrates Valaam’s newest church

Valaam, July 14, 2022

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During a recent trip to Valaam Monastery, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill visited one of the monastery’s many sketes and consecrated the holy habitation’s newest church.

Together with two monastery hieromonks, the Patriarch consecrated the Church of the All-Merciful Savior at the Skete of St. Abraham of Rostov, on Emelyanovo Island, 4.5 miles from the main monastery, reports

The abbot of the monastery, His Grace Bishop Pankraty of Troitsk, and His Eminence Metropolitan Barsanuphius of St. Petersburg were also present at the service.

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The church has two altars, dedicated to the All-Merciful Savior and St. Abraham of Rostov. Four brethren are currently laboring at the skete.

Following the service, Pat. Kirill addressed those present:

I would like to thank everyone who participated in the creation of another place on these wonderful Valaam Islands, where prayer to God will be offered. The creation of a church is the greatest evidence of the power of God, and here’s why: If there were no power of God touching a person, if this power and grace didn’t strengthen people’s faith in God, then churches wouldn’t be built. And what we see is in itself the greatest proof of the Divine being. What hasn’t happened over these millennia, what forces haven’t worked to make people lose this faith! No historical phenomenon, whether in the field of human thought, politics, or creativity, has ever experienced such terrible pressure aimed at complete destruction. And we, who have passed through very difficult historical times relatively recently, during which a great state set itself the task of destroying faith, are eyewitnesses and witnesses of a great miracle—a miracle of faith that is passed down from generation to generation, and no human or even diabolical force is able to eradicate this faith.

Churches under construction are a testimony of faith. First of all, those who built, who contributed to the construction, and in response to this sacrifice, the Lord, of course, will be with those who built the churches of God. And gratitude should remain in the hearts of people, and especially in the prayerful memory of those who will serve in this church; the names of those who built and beautified this church should always remain.

The same day, Pat. Kirill also consecrated a large memorial cross at the monastery.

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Panagiotis7/15/2022 5:12 am
God bless Patriarch Kirill. He consecrated a Holy Orthodox Church, while a liberal Archbishop performed a baptism for two sodomites. Which do you think our God prefers? There is a beautiful inspiring video on YouTube of a pro family, anti sodomite Church procession by Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade. God bless my Serbian and Russian Brothers! I am so proud of them for standing up for the traditional family and opposing this wicked evil sodomite nonsense. Just think about our ancestors who fought and died against the Ottoman Turks and the monster communists. Is this what they died for? So sodomites can have children and have them baptized in an Orthodox Church? God Almighty! We must submit to God, completely, like our Muslim Brothers. I have respect for them because they submit to God, and watch them pray and see how devout they are. We must be strong in our faith, and we must return to our conservative roots, and we must reject no good liberalism! Glory be to our God! THOXA SI O THEOS, THOXA SI! ..... Just my humble opinion.
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