Venerable Lot of Egypt

Commemorated on October 22

Saint Lot was a wise ascetic of the desert who reposed in peace in the early fifth century. Some of his sayings are to be found in the "Paradise of the Fathers," which describes the life of the anchorites, recluses, monks, coenobites and ascetic Fathers of the deserts of Egypt compiled by Saint Athanasios of Alexandria, Saint Palladius, Bishop of Helenopolis, Saint Jerome and others.

Saint Nikodemos (Νikόdēmos) of the Holy Mountain writes: "In the Paradise of the Fathers, it is said that Saint Lot asked Abba Joseph of Panephysis the following question: 'Abba, as much as I am able, I pray a little, fast a little, study, and keep silent. According to my strength, I keep my mind free of evil thoughts. What else should I do?' "

Then Abba Joseph stood up and lifted his hands to heaven. And - O the miracle - the ten fingers of his hands became like ten lit candles, then he said to Abba Lot. "Strive, if you will, so that in prayer you may become entirely like a flame."

In Greek usage Abba Lot is commemorated on October 22. He is also commemorated with the Holy God-bearing Fathers who shone forth in the ascetic life, on Cheesefare Saturday at Matins (Ode 4 of the Canon).

Troparion — Tone 1

You were shown as a citizen of the desert, / an Angel in the flesh, and a wonderworker, O our God-bearing Father Lot. / Through fasting, vigil, and prayer you obtained heavenly gifts, / and you healed the sick and the souls of those who have recourse to you with faith. / Glory to Him Who gave you strength.Glory to Him Who crowned you. / Glory to Him Who, through you, works healings for all.

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