Discussion of the personality of Jesus Christ continuing to cause the greatest arguments on the Internet

Oxford, July 25, 2013

The Name of Jesus Christ and events from His earthly life are continuing to be one of the most argued subjects published on the Internet. Research from the Oxford Internet Institute, Rutgers University, and the Central European University have analyzed the most argued and frequently copied articles of Wikipedia in ten languages, reports Sedmitza.ru, cited the Spiegel.online German site.

The experts have brought out the list of 100 the most argued articles as well as the most argued themes for various regions. The researchers have singled out the subject area of the common argued articles for ten language versions of Wikipedia: geography (frontier conflicts) and religion (Jesus Christ, Jehovah, Muhammad). Texts about Jesus are in a group of ten of every 5 of 10 examined language versions.

Each language version has its own specifics. For example, the following themes are provoking more arguments and editing in the German-speaking Wikipedia: Croatia, scientology, September 11, homeopathy, student unions, Adolf Hitler, Jesus Christ; in the English-speaking version: George Bush, anarchism, the prophet Muhammad, global warming, Jesus Christ; in the Czech version: homosexuality, psychotronics, telepathy, communism, homophobia, Jesus Christ, Moravia.


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