Nearly half the churches of northern Russia may disappear in the near future

Moscow, October 16, 2014

The leader of the “Common cause” (“Obshcheye delo”) project for the restoration of the Russian North’s wooden churches, Priest Alexei Yakovlev, has reported that around 45% of the wooden churches of the Russian North are doomed to destruction, reports Interfax-Religion.


“In 15-20 years 45% of these churches will no longer exist,” he said on Thursday, speaking at the “Religion and the World” II international forum in Moscow.

According to the priest, urgent anti-damage work must be carried out in the churches—some of them are in such poor condition that one cannot enter them.

He called upon all who are not indifferent to the fate of Russian wooden architecture to take part in the project.

“We are setting off for the Russian North, and everyone can participate. This is always a kind of a heroic feat, people go there not knowing what they will encounter,” said Father Alexei.

Over the 6 years of the project’s work about 90 expeditions have been held, and in the course of them more than 170 churches and chapels were examined. Anti-damage and conservation work was carried out in 95 of them. 3 churches and 3 chapels were completely restored. Over 300 people took part in the project.


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