Patriarch Kirill praises Serbian President Nikolic's role in preserving relations between two Orthodox Christian nations

Source: Interfax-Religion

March 9, 2016


Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia met with Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic who has received an award from the Foundation for the Unity of Orthodox Christian Nations.

"Mr. President, I am glad to cordially welcome you on your visit to Moscow. The occasion is a special one: you have been recognized as a laureate of the award for the unity of Orthodox Christian nations," the patriarch said at their meeting on Wednesday.

The award was "created by enthusiasts during the time of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, so as to honor the achievements of those who assist in the preservation of fraternal relations between Orthodox Christian nations, and assist in the preservation of the Orthodox faith, and are noted for other achievements in the field of international relations, politics, art, science, and so on," the patriarch said.

"Among the laureates are many outstanding people, and I am very glad that you have been selected this year. This is a testament to the recognition of your merits by many people Russia," the patriarch said.

For his part, Nikolic thanked Patriarch Kirill for everything he is "doing for the Serbian Orthodox Church and for Serbia."

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