Venerable Amphilochius of Pângăraţi


Holy Venerable Amphilochius from Pângăraţi was born in 1487, in Ţara de Sus, Moldavia. He began his monastic life in his youth at Moldoviţa Monastery, wherefrom he came to Pângăraţi in 1508. There all the members of the community elected him abbot, so that he led them for fifty-six years.

Hieromonk Anastasios from Moldoviţa, who knew him well, speaks about his life: “He chose to live in monasticism ever since he was a child, having been esteemed by all the people of his time for his good deeds. He was a very good writer, fasting, patient and striving to live a spiritual life.”

Due to his efforts, Christ our Lord and St. Demetrius, the protector of the monastery, commanded the ruling prince Alexandru Lapuşneanu (1552-1561; 1564-1568) to build a new church at Pângăraţi in place of the old wooden one which the Turks had burned down. The church was consecrated by Metropolitan Gregory of Suceava in 1560. In 1566, the saint gathered all his spiritual sons around, gave them his last advice, appointed Hieromonk Teodorit as igumen in his stead and retired to his first monastery, Moldoviţa. There Blessed Amphilochius became a hermit by the name of Enoch and lived for four more years. In 1570, having known beforehand the time of his death, he received Holy Communion and fell asleep in the Lord. His disciples buried him.

On March 6, 2008 the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church canonized Venerable Simeon and Amphilochius, to be celebrated on September 7/20.

Through the prayers of the venerable Saints Simeon and Amphilochius, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us. Amen.

Troparion, tone 3:

Oh, Venerable Fathers Simeon and Amphilochius, you who did enlighten the Carpathian woods through your prayers and filled the whole valley of Bistrița with a spiritual aroma, close advisers of the ruling princes and radiant torches of the monastics and pious faithful, pray to God for us, who celebrate with love your holy commemoration.


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