Dear readers, brothers and sisters,
Christ is Risen!
Every year this Paschal greeting is proclaimed from all corners of the Orthodox world, testifying to the eternal celebration of the Resurrection of Christ, and to forgiveness, salvation and hope in eternal life in the Heavenly Kingdom.
We approach this great day with various feelings, and therefore the news of Christ’s Resurrection resounds differently in our hearts every time, in tune with whether it rejoices or mourns.
So it was with the apostles: the sorrow of parting with the Lord, and the horror of the experience of His torment and death on the Cross gave way to joy at the greeting they heard from the risen Master: Peace be unto you!
May the risen Lord grant our souls peace and comfort, give us hope, faith, and love, and vouchsafe us joy and thankfulness for His saving Resurrection!
Christ is Risen!
Truly He is Risen!
+ Bishop Tikhon and the brotherhood
God Save Eric McDonald!!!
Please pray for Eric McDonald.He has mental and emotional problems.He is no healthy.We do not know where he is or how he might be…
Cry unto God for mercy…Pray for Compassion.
May he be found well and safe..
Ask everyone in the church to pray for Eric McDonald!
Thank You,
Alfred Brown