We are now going to celebrate the holy Divine Liturgy, remembering the Mystical Supper, when Christ Himself personally celebrated the first Liturgy with His disciples. There were bread and wine on the table, and Christ transfigured them into His Body and Blood with His Divine hands and gave it to His disciples. In remembrance of this, year after year, the great Sacrament is celebrated in Church—the Divine Liturgy, during which the celebrating priest symbolizes Christ the Savior, invoking by his prayer the grace of the Holy Spirit upon the bread lying on the altar and upon the wine in the chalice. And we deeply believe that despite our unworthiness, this bread and wine are transubstantiated into the Body and Blood of God Himself and our Savior Jesus Christ, and we are all accounted worthy, like the apostles that first time, to be communicants of this Mystical Supper.
One thing I always remind you of is that there were twelve apostles, but among them was Judas. Today we will hear many times the words: “Neither will I give Thee a kiss as did Judas, but like the thief will I confess Thee: Remember me, O Lord, in Thy Kingdom.” The kiss of Judas is when we betray with our sins: We flatter someone with flattery to their face, we talk behind someone’s back, we slander and we calumniate one another. Despondency and despair are also sins of Judas.
It is the most fearful thing when we do not realize that people suffer through our shortcomings. Foolish parents interfere with their children’s lives. But if you can’t manage to fix something, why terrorize your children, why torture them? It remains for prayer and patience. You don’t need to terrorize your children, but to peacefully resolve everything in life.
Also, various libels, satires—these are all grievous sins. O Lord, grant us to realize all of this and to repent sincerely. Remember! Repentance is a great mystery that can be performed before the Lord only until death. After our last breath, when the soul leaves the body, that’s it—we are deprived of repentance. There remains only remorse with the gnashing of teeth: “Why didn’t I use the precious time of my life?” Amend your life while the Lord is maintaining us, long enduring with all of us. And today, grant, O Lord, that all would commune.
Who do we excommunicate? Smokers! This Judas loves to smoke tobacco. Smokers don’t even come close to the chalice. Such a person is under a curse until he frees himself from this sin. It’s a lie that a man can’t quit smoking. Are there any grandmas here that smoke? There’s at least one, I know. Stop this sin! I do not permit them to the chalice; I exclude such people.
I exclude drug users from Communion until they quit this business. Repent, correct yourself—then you will be sons of God, children of God, otherwise you are sons of the devil.
Those living in explicit fornication are also not allowed. Those who have gotten rid of their families, living with other women and men are also unworthy of Communion. It’s not love, but satanic lust, and that’s that. Be patient with the one whom God first sent to you. You yourself chose—you yourself must endure your entire life. So be careful!
Various perverts, corrupted in their bodies, are also cut off until they amend their ways—the Lord will condemn such people if they dare to approach the holy chalice; they are like Judas.
And to all the rest, the people of God, grant O Lord to peacefully pray as one family and to all be participants in the Mystical Supper. Now we will begin the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great with Vespers, and we will read the Holy Gospel about the last days of the Savior of the world, and we will commune of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Strengthen us, O Lord, and the priests, to serve the service to holy God in a union of love and peace at the altar, and for the one people of God to pray to Thee in love at today’s Liturgy.
Close your mouths today; let us praise no one, and criticize no one—silence. Especially fear flattery today, for the disciple kissed Christ the Savior with flattery. Help us, O Lord! Pray.