Christ is Risen!

Paschal greetings from Metropolitan Tikhon of Pskov and Porkhov


Dear brothers and sisters!

In this saving night, having united with Christ in the sacrament of Holy Communion, let us preserve the joy of the Resurrection and our God Who has resurrected us; the joy of the exultant triumph of the Heavenly and Earthly Church.

Let us bring the glad tidings of the Resurrection of Christ to our nieghbors, announcing this to them not only with words, but with deeds for the Savior, the Gospel, and Eternal Life.

Let us open wide our hearts with mercy for our neighbor. Let us bring a gift to God—our love and gratitude to the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us not lose heart before the power of sin! Let us strive to fulfill the saving commandments of the Risen Lord, Who says to us: Be bold, for I have overcome the world (Jn. 16:33).

In truth He is Risen!

The Pascha of the Lord 2019

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