Patriarch of Jerusalem’s letter of invitation to discuss Ukrainian crisis published online

Jerusalem, January 2, 2020     

His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem’s letter of invitation to Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople to a “fraternal gathering in love” was published on today.

The letter, written in English and dated December 11, 2019, demonstrates Pat. Theophilos’ desire to help restore and strengthen Church unity, without pretensions to the Patriarch of Constantinople’s traditional role as first among equals.


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John1/6/2020 10:07 am
Archim. – St. Sophrony (Sakharov): Unity of the Church, an Image of the Holy Trinity- published in 1950 rejects EP’s papal claims 70 years ago! In this essay first published in Russian and French in 1950, the Elder Sophrony (Sakharov), then a relatively young hieromonk, argues forcefully that Orthodox ecclesiology must conform to Orthodox trinitarian theology. In striking contrast with ideas later put forward by Metropolitan John (Zizioulas), Sophrony understands the Orthodox dogma of the Trinity to reject any form of subordinationism whatsoever, as subordinationism corresponds to papism. In Orthodoxy, the Father begets the Son, but the Son is no less equal to the Father for this. Therefore, there can be no primacy that places a certain bishop or church over the other churches. Likewise, the institution of autocephaly is fundamental to Orthodox ecclesiology as it expresses the consubstantiality and equality of all the local Churches and teaches us that no place and no race enjoys a greater fullness of divine grace than any other. For Sophrony, the best canonical expression of Orthodox ecclesiology is Apostolic Canon 34.
Silviu Preda1/5/2020 10:40 pm
Anaxios Bartholomeu ! First the pseudo-synod of Crete and the panheresy of ecumenism, and second the schisme of calendar for the unity of Orthodox World, and tertium other schismes to the judgement of the PanOrthodox Synod! Please take the advices of the most autorised people in heresy, schismes, and History of Synods, like Gerondas Savvas Lavriotis, Saint of our days and Father PhD in theology Ciprian-Ioan Staicu email ( both competency in in greek language and English). Reference at
Alexander 1/2/2020 9:27 pm
Depose Bartholonew now!
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