Mass Baptism of children celebrated in Zimbabwe

Harare, Zimbabwe, July 14, 2020

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A joyous spiritual event was celebrated in the Diocese of Zimbabwe in the Patriarchate of Alexandria on Sunday, as several children were united to Christ in the holy Orthodox Church through the waters of Holy Baptism.

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“With the help of God and the support of pious Christians, a mass Baptism of newly-enlightened people took place today in our missionary parish of St. Nektarios in Harare by our local priest Fr. Augustine with the help of our catechists and parishioners, who help even the most destitute and orphaned children,” Metropolitan Seraphim of Zimbabwe reports on his Facebook page.

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Godparents for the newly-illumined children came from Cyprus, Corfu, and London, writes Met. Seraphim.

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“Many years to the newly-illumined Loxantrou, Myrianthi, Athanasia and Melani and the newly-illumined Dimitrakis and Loukas. We thank their sponsors from Cyprus, Corfu and London. May God give you all good things and bless your families,” His Eminence writes.

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