Patriarch Ilia of Georgia offers condolences for road accident that left 17 dead

Tbilisi, August 25, 2020     

His Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II of Georgia has offered his condolences to the families who lost loved ones in the tragic road accident in Khevsureti on Sunday.

17 people were tragically killed when a tourist company’s minibus fell down a 260-ft. rocky slope on the road between Shatili and Tbilisi.

“Great is our sorrow over the tragic accident that occurred in Khevsureti, near the village of Biso on August 23 this year, which killed 17 people and shocked the whole of Georgia,” His Holiness writes in a statement published by the Georgian Orthodox Church.

“We would like to express our condolences to all the families, and, despite such a difficult ordeal, tell them not to become inconsolable. May the Lord strengthen all and send down upon all unshakeable faith in eternal life, which our newly-reposed children inherited yesterday,” he continues.

“We offer prayers for their immortal souls, that the Lord might establish them in the sanctuary of the righteous, and help and save the victims,” His Holiness concludes.

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