Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro commemorated on 40th day of his repose (+VIDEO)

Podgorica, Montenegro, December 8, 2020

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On Sunday, December 6, hierarchs, clergy, and monastics of the Serbian Orthodox Church gathered in Podgorica to commemorate the 40th day of the repose of the beloved former head of the Metropolis of Montenegro, His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije (Radović).

The Metropolitan reposed in the Lord on October 30 from acute pneumonia. He had bravely led the Metropolis for 30 years.

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The Divine Liturgy and parastas at Holy Resurrection Cathedral in Podgorica on Sunday were celebrated by His Grace Bishop Joanikije of Budimlja and Nikšić, the administrator of the Metropolis of Montenegro after the Metropolitan’s repose, His Grace Bishop Kirill of Bueonos Aires, His Grace Bishop Metodije of Dioclea, and His Grace Bishop Atanasije, retired hierarch of Zakholm and Herzegovina, reports the Metropolis of Montenegro.

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It was decided to commemorate Met. Amfilohije’s 40th day on December 6 to coincide with his name’s day, on the feast of St. Amphilochios of Iconium.

Following the services, Bp. Kirill spoke about his teacher and spiritual father:

Everything he did and what he left behind is good. And as the Gospel says, a tree shall be known by its fruits. So, it’s not only that he awakened the fire of faith in Montenegro, it’s not only that he restored so many monasteries and churches—it’s not only his work. I have always wondered how he had time to write so many books, essays, interviews, poems… Most important from his work is that he created a living Church… And now it is up to the pious people to follow this golden path, where both the state and the people will enjoy God’s blessing.

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And referring to the massive cross processions that filled the streets of Montenegro earlier this year, Bp. Kirill reflected:

He kept his faith, he finished the race, he received his crown. These magnificent processions, which showed that Montenegro was resurrected in the living Church, seemed to me like the entry of Christ into Jerusalem, which foreshadowed the suffering of our dear Metropolitan, who of course we will all miss, but we hope that he will not abandon us in his prayers.

Watch a video of the service:

May Metropolitan Amfilohije’s memory be eternal!

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