Monument to Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II blessed in northern Russian Murmansk Diocese

Kovdor, Murmansk Province, Russia, April 13, 2021

Photo: Photo: On Saturday, April 10, a recently-installed memorial to Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II in the far northern city of Kovdor was blessed by the Metropolitan of Murmansk.

The bust, installed on the territory of the Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos in December, was blessed by His Eminence Metropolitan Mitrophan of Murmansk and Monchegorsk, reports the Murmansk Diocese.

This is the first memorial in the Murmansk Province dedicated to the founder of the city of Romanov-on-Murman, known as Murmansk today. The city was the last of the Russian Empire, founded in 1916.

The installation of the monument was initiated by a local activist and supported by the Holy Dormition parish to perpetuate the contribution of Tsar Nicholas to the development of the Kola Arctic. The matter was put to a public vote online, with the vast majority in favor of the memorial bust.

The bust was made as part of the “Alley of Russian Glory” project and presented as a gift to the church. The production, delivery, and installation of the pedestal of the monument were funded by donations from across the country.

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During the reign of Nicholas II, the cities of Alexandrovsk and Romanov-on-Murman (Murmansk) were founded, which became the last city of the Russian Empire, the Murmansk Port was built, the Murmansk Railway was laid, a naval base was created in the Kola Bay, and the Arctic Ocean Flotilla (the predecessor of the Northern Fleet) was formed. All this allowed the Kola North to develop successfully in the following years.

In November, a monument to Tsar Nicholas and Tsarina Alexandra was opened in Crimea.

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