Greek churches to celebrate Pascha early due to curfew

Athens, April 21, 2021

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Last year, churches and monasteries throughout Greece were closed throughout all of Holy Week and Pascha, and the public celebration of Pascha was delayed until the leavetaking of the feast in late May.

This year, churches will be open and the faithful will be able to attend. However, according to the unanimous decision of the Holy Synod of the Greek Church, Paschal services will begin a few hours early due to the government-mandated public curfew.

After its teleconference yesterday, the Holy Synod announced earlier times for services to be held throughout Holy Week as well, reports Romfea.

“Wishing the best pastoral service for the faithful, who should in no way be deprived of participation in the joy of the Resurrection,” the hierarchs “decided unanimously using the economy of the Church, as shown in its rich tradition, to adjust the time of the Resurrection service to 9:00 PM on Holy Saturday.”

The service will begin in the church courtyards and move indoors for the Paschal Liturgy.

Other restrictions remain in force: one person per 25 square meters, and no more than 100 parishioners per cathedral, regardless of size.

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Ana4/29/2021 5:39 pm
This is apostasy.They are trying to move Pascha to 1.May which is the old jewish passover. This is against church cannons
Maria Pantelopoulos 4/26/2021 11:27 pm
Well I have news for everyone. Archbishop Sotirios in Canada has given directives for his churches in Quebec to start the resurrection services at 4pm! We have a 8 pm-5 am curfew in Quebec due to the pandemic. The strict fast on Holy Saturday will be eliminated by the early part of the evening. This goes completely against the canons or the dogma of the Church.
Alexander Leitner4/24/2021 11:16 am
The Greek New Calendar Church is a puppet of the Greek state. It is not good when state and church are mixed. Especially in our times when most states are godless. The Greek Church is following godless, secular rulers...
John4/23/2021 6:50 pm
@Ron: In some senses yes, in some senses no. My understanding is that, since two Liturgies cannot be served in the same "calendar day," it would not be proper to have the Vesperal Liturgy on Holy Saturday morning/afternoon and then the Paschal liturgy before midnight. My own bishop permits the Paschal service to begin no earlier than 10 PM, because with the length of the vigil, at least the eucharistic canon would begin after midnight. The article doesn't say what the time restrictions are in Greece, but if it were up to me, I would have the vigil portion at 9 PM and celebrate the Liturgy on Sunday morning at the usual time, 9 or 10 AM or whatever.
Ron4/22/2021 8:31 pm
Doesn't the next day start after sundown? So whats the problem???
Eddy4/22/2021 10:36 am
Nothing new. In the US some of Istanbul's Slavic dioceses have started at 7pm on Holy Saturday.
Max4/21/2021 10:45 pm
John, Yes, you are correct. Insane rules from those who's soul's are far from being sane! God forgive us all!! Greece has fallen, Greece has fallen, Babylon the great has enslaved her!! Pray and ask for God's mercy upon the Greek people and for their country! The descendants of St. Basil the Great have become children of this world!! Pray for fallen Greece, and for the pride that blinds it's people from seeing how far they have fallen!!
John4/21/2021 1:08 pm
One person per 25 square meters? That is more than double the space I've heard any health expert ever suggest. Insane.
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