Prosecutor launches investigation of anti-vax Athonite monks

Thessaloniki, November 11, 2021

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A prosecutor in Thessaloniki has launched a preliminary investigation into anti-vaccine Athonite monks, in response to the request of Archimandrite Bartholomew, the abbot of New Esphigmenou Monastery, reports Ekathimerini.

As part of the investigation, Abbot Bartholomew will be summoned to testify and name specific monks to determine if they are guilty of spreading fake news.

According to some Greek sources, there are presently upwards of 50 or 70 COVID cases among the monastics.

Speaking to MEGA TV a few days ago, Fr. Bartholomew announced that nine have died from COVID and “the number will rise even more unless a miracle happens.”

This is because people both on and off Mt. Athos lie about the Holy Mountain’s stance on the coronavirus, the abbot believes. Anti-vaccine people have turned a medical issue into a spiritual issue, “not thinking with the Christian spirit.”

“Death spreads around us and they don’t see it, they don’t want to see it, and because of the cassocks they wear, they carry people away,” Fr. Bartholomew said in reference to the “fanaticism, rage, and anger” of the anti-vaccine monks.

Speaking on the First Programme a few days later, the abbot called for a prosecutor to step in.

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S.Marley11/15/2021 1:37 am
One of the first vaccines for smallpox was created by Edward Jenner who took pus or virus from the pox-MARK of a cow that had cowpox....and injected it into the arm of Jenner's gardner's son. Remember that a cow is also a Jenner was literally taking the pox-MARK OF A BEAST.....and injecting it in someones right arm. All vaccines are made from viruses that are sourced from animals...or whenever you take any vaccine you are taking the pox-MARK...or virus-MARK...OF A your right arm. Swine flu vaccine....made from a swine flu virus...which is sourced from a BEAST called a pig. Bird flu virus sourced from a BEAST called a chicken. (also sourced from duck, geese, turkeys and other fowl which carry bird flu). Corona virus to make corona virus vaccines is sourced from a BEAST called a bat. (other animals also carry covid-19 including mink, otters, ferrets etc. ). Curiously all these animals are listed as unclean animals in the bible which are not to be eaten...and whose blood must not come into contact with human blood. Particularly Jews and Christians. (check the biblical books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy to verify this). And yes the bible does state that fowls which creep upon the ground are unclean...this would include chicken, turkey, duck geese, quail etc. All these unclean animals carry either bird flu, swine flu and /or Covid-19. These diseases combined sicken and kill millions of Christians and Jews worldwide each year. We should re-examine the food laws of the Old Testament. The factory farming of fowl, pigs and mink is also extremely CRUEL...and destroys the earth via pollution to waterways and mass-disease to humans and animals.
Basil Hill-Zeck11/12/2021 3:39 am
How disturbing! So many of us have benefited from the counsels of Monks of the Holy Mountain like Elder Gabriel & others, & even the whole world benefits from their holy prayers. It's very distressing to see them targeted & persecuted like this! May the Lord & His All-Pure Mother protect our Holy Athonite Fathers & through their holy prayers may our souls be saved!
sherlock_holmes11/11/2021 8:57 pm
Motto: " in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you, will think they are offering a service to God." ( John 16:2 )... There is a bad trend in our Church, I am thinking of Archbishop Elpidophoros saying that nobody in GOA will get a religious exemption from vaccination ,even though most of them if not all, used fetal cells in testing and manufacturing ( Pfizer included ) ,plus other weird declarations of some People of the Church....Fr. Bartholomew ,in reference to the “fanaticism, rage, and anger” of the anti-vaccine monks called the prosecutor to maybe put them in jail. For his salvation, I hope he won't become famous !
Editor11/11/2021 8:10 pm
Anonymous: We're just reporting the news. As for history--it hasn't happened yet, but we pray to be with Christ.
Anonymous11/11/2021 7:34 pm
I thought this website was designed to help people on their journey to Christ. You all have been out here trying to control a narrative that Russia can do no wrong and you're crazy if you don't get vaccinated. This is just ludicrous! What side of history do you want to be on?!?!
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