WATCH: Documentary on Canadian hermitage released

Watford, Nova Scotia, Canada, December 15, 2021

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A beautiful new documentary about an Orthodox hermitage in eastern Canada was released over the weekend.

Goosechase tells the story of the communal life of the Hermitage of the Annunciation (Orthodox Church in America) in Watford, Nova Scotia, located on Goose Chase Road.

The documentary was filmed, edited, and produced by David Veldman. He describes the film:

“Goosechase” is the observational documentary of three monks living in a solitary Monastery north of Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. Tucked away in the rolling hills beside the LeHave River, the Monks of the Hermitage of the Annunciation spend their days praying, working, and studying. This is not a story about the individual Monks, but rather their way of life, and the Rule that guides their actions and thoughts as they go about their Holy Business. It touches upon the nearly mystical Annunciation of Mary, the methods they use to find peace and stillness, and the key theology of their order and faith.

Watch the documentary:

And visit the monastery’s website and gift store.

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Editor12/16/2021 10:16 am
Raphael: The man with the earring is apparently a pilgrim, and not one of the monks. Since the film has no narrator it's a bit confusing.
Raphael12/16/2021 2:36 am
YOU CAN NEVER BE TOO CAREFUL in this world! An OCA MONK with earrings! The same sort of thing you would see a homosexual from San Francisco wearing in his ears! May God save us! Truly we are in the end times! TRULY!
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