Uganda: Mass Baptism celebrated by Bishop Silvester

Jinja, Uganda, December 20, 2021

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Earlier this month, His Grace Bishop Silvester of Gulu and Eastern Uganda baptized nearly two dozen young men into the holy Orthodox Church.

The diocese reported on December 5 that His Grace baptized 20 youths from the Desmos Scouts in the city of Jinja, which sits along the Victoria Nile River, 50 miles east of Kampala.

Desmos is an international Orthodox Scouts movement founded in 1994.

Bp. Silvester also baptized another 20 people in November

, and dozens were baptized in Uganda during Great Lent.

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Ted OGrady1/19/2022 4:47 am
Thank you for doing the Lord’s work so wonderfully and gracefully! And, through this, may God begin the Restoration and Healing of the Great Continent of Africa!!
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