Blessed Nativity to all who are celebrating!

Moscow, December 24, 2021   

But when the fulness of the time was come,
God sent forth his Son,
made of a woman, made under the law,
To redeem them that were under the law,
that we might receive the adoption of sons.

Galatians 4:4-5

To our readers who are celebrating the feast of the Nativity of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ this weekend, we wish you a blessed feast and a Merry Christmas!

May the joy of the feast fill your hearts and the light of the Christ Child shine upon you and bless you and your families!

And through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and all the saints, may we all be redeemed and receive the adoption of sons!

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Editor12/31/2021 11:41 am
Dear commenters: We suggest that everyone forgive one another our ethnicity in this holy season. If Greek=Orthodox, then Greek is as Greek does. Incidentally, Panagiotis, Lenin was actually only a quarter Russian. He was a mixture of various nationalities, including Russian, Swedish, German, Tatar, Kalmyk, and Jewish. In fact, very few Bolshevik leader were ethnically Russian, but of course, that's not important.
Panagiotis12/31/2021 7:17 am
To Peter: Vladimir Lenin was a real "Holy" Russian, was he not?... LOL!!!... Vladimir Lenin was responsible for the deaths of millions of people, yet there is still a Massive Mausoleum Monument for Vladimir Lenin in Moscow, the Capital City of Russia... In the Ukraine, ALL statues of Vladimir Lenin have been removed... Very Interesting... Just my humble opinion...
Panagiotis12/30/2021 8:59 pm
To Raphael: I hate to burst your bubble, but National Geographic Website said the same thing, which I stated, and which you completely ignored. I guess since you are so educated that you know more than National Geographic? As far as a log in my eye, which you pathetically stated, I would like to inform you that I do not even have a twig in my eye. Maybe you should ask your Mommy to check your eye? ..I will end my comments now, because I will take the advice of an old saying which is: "Consider The Source", and in my humble opinion that definitely applies to you... Have a nice day, and I hope I never hear from you again. Just my humble opinion....To Peter: Jen Psaki is not an Orthodox Christian, and I believe she is only 25% of Greek descent, IE that would mean she is 75% Not Greek. Also the CEO of Pfizer is of pure Sephardic descent, IE he is Not of ethnic Greek descent. Maybe you and the other one should consider becoming a little more educated?... just my humble opinion.
Peter12/30/2021 5:43 pm
Raphael, good one! Btw; Jen Psaki, the apologist for the satanic left’s agenda is also Greek, so are the CEO’s of Pfizer and dominion voting machines! Greeks are very “holy” people! Lol!
Raphael12/29/2021 7:35 pm
Panagiotis: I hate to burst your greek bubble, but read this...."Wikipedia is a good source for getting information. But, it is not always that it can be relied upon. Each of the Wikipedia articles has a disclaimer given along with it. It says that the article published may not have accurate information completely. It is important to check the information that we were getting previously. Wikipedia is mostly accurate in giving information but not always reliable enough. In colleges today Wikipedia is not considered as a dependable site and the students are not allowed to keep this site as a citation for source. So, Wikipedia is certainly not the academically reliable and acceptable website." What I find most interesting about your comment is that you completely ignored everything else I wrote in my last comment, but felt compelled TO PROVE that St. Nicholas was Greek, which underscores my point that neo-greeks like you have the spiritual disease of modern day jews, and believe that you are a superior people to the rest of humanity going directly against the teachings of Christ and the Holy Church which teaches: "there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all." Some of the most evil people in the world are greeks, and have historically been greek, such as Diocletian, Julian the apostate, Arius, Nestorius and other godless enemies of Christ. Today, the greatest enemy of the church is your patriarch Bartholomew, and his two predecessors were even worse than he is in many respects, but you and them have one thing in common which is your great love for a fallen nation that is becoming more and more anti-christ with every day ie "hella". In addition most of your fellow greek men of today are members of the satanic free-masons, so they willingly choose to unite themselves with a satanic organization for the sake of money and power! What do you have to be proud of? Nothing! Be proud of being a Christian and being a part of Christ's Church. Everything else is dung and garbage as St. Paul says: "Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ" Philippians 3:8
Faith Johnson12/28/2021 3:41 am
How very kind of you. Grateful! With the feasts.....
Panagiotis12/27/2021 6:20 pm
To Orthodox Brother Jacob: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. You have stated valid points, and what you said make sense. I can see from your comments that you are educated, and a Strong Orthodox Christian .............To Raphael: Per English Wikipedia: "Saint Nicholas of Myra, also known as Nicholas of Bari, was an early Christian Bishop of Greek descent from the maritime city of Myra in Asia Minor.... He is said to have been born in the Greek Seaport of Patara, Lycia, in Asia Minor...".... Per National Geographic Website, on the History of how Saint Nicholas became Santa Claus: "The original Saint was a Greek born in the late 3rd Century, around 280 A.D....".... You said I provided "absolutely no support to your pathetic claim"............ To ALL of my Orthodox Brothers: Let us hope that the new year brings UNITY to the Orthodox People........ Just my humble opinion...⛪
Jacob12/27/2021 11:17 am
Panagiotis: Most Orthodox agree that it was God's Providence that brought St. Nicholas to Bari. After all, Bari was part of Magna Graecia at one time, and his relics have been lovingly preserved there. But if he had remained in the Turk-conquered Lycia, they would probably have been lost.
Raphael 12/27/2021 2:18 am
Panagiotis: you seem to be projecting your own hellenic superiority complex on the rest of the world. People like you have taken the place of the Jews in one sense and one sense alone…you think (just as they did/do) that you are some sort of special “elect and chosen” people of God and all the rest of us are “goy”. You are the people that have a patriarch that subscribes to a false hellenic gospel and it WAS YOU(!) that had to bring up St. Nicholas’ ethnicity, insisting that he was a “pure greek” and providing absolutely no support to your pathetic claim! And it was you who attacked the Slavic people and all the none-greeks. You truly need to pluck out the gigantic tree trunk of greek superiority out of your new calendar eye before you judge the rest of us, accusing us of the sins and heresies of your patriarch. Read the Holy Gospel instead of the old wives tales about how great the neo-greeks are, and you may have a chance!
Panagiotis12/26/2021 11:19 pm
Original Saint Nicholas was a Greek Orthodox Bishop, of pure Greek descent, living in what is now Turkey... Centuries after his death, his body was stolen by Italians, and taken to Italy... Maybe the pope should have apologized for that too when he was in Greece?... And for all of those Greek haters out there, will you now stop respecting Saint Nicholas because he was a Greek and not Slavic?... Or maybe a certain ethnic group will now claim him as one of their own?...Just wondering and just asking...Merry Christmas to ALL Orthodox ... Just my humble opinion...
Parascheva12/26/2021 11:48 am
@Benjamin Crăciun Fericit! Merry Christmas from Romania where we Orthodox use the Milankovic dating rather then the Julian so Christmas is on the 25 December in common with the secular calendar (so does Greece and Bulgaria - long story). Our churches are full (young and old, men and women), our lines for confession are full and reception of communion is common and totally in the traditional way. We will not let anything get in the way. The Nativity fast is very well observed and totally normal, work canteens,restaurants, supermarkets and bakeries cater for this. It is also lovely to see families out on the streets with bags of good things to give to the homeless and the beggars. The only issue this year has been the weather which is disappointingly mild.
Panagiotis12/26/2021 12:21 am
Merry Christmas to ALL of my Orthodox Brothers and Sisters all across the world... The Christ Child is Born... Glory to You oh God, Glory to You... Let us hope that the new year brings UNITY to the Orthodox People.....????⛪????
Benjamin12/25/2021 12:38 am
Speaking as an American, I and basically everyone I've asked this question to has confirmed: it doesn't at all "feel like Christmas" this year. Is it the same way in Orthodox countries? Given all the stuff that's happened over the last two years with the so-called pandemic, and the entirety of society being uprooted, that's probably the reason. None the less, I have definitely noticed my faith increase during this time, and friends and family have likewise noticed a drastic positive change in my mood and behavior. Perhaps Satan's plan to demoralize us all has had some unintended consequences in my specific case, or perhaps its God's grace; I have no idea. Never thought I'd say this, but for once I'm glad the EO church never "got with the times" and still uses the Julian calendar. From now until January 7th, that's roughly an extra two weeks to try and "get into the Christmas spirit". Maybe I should take up my prayer beads during this interim instead of just admiring how pretty they look sitting on my book shelf.
sherlock_holmes12/24/2021 11:53 pm
Motto: " Finis coronat opus" ! Thanks for the beautiful wish ! Merry Christmas !
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