Orthodox Christians Will March for Life Together on East and West Coasts

Riverside, California, January 13, 2022


Orthodox Christians for Life invites the Orthodox community to join the 2022 Orthodox gatherings at the March for Life on January 21 in Washington, DC, and the Walk for Life West Coast on January 22 in San Francisco, CA.

Orthodox Christians for Life (OCLife) first organized the Orthodox presence at the annual March 35 years ago in January of 1987, and Orthodox Christians have been gathering together at this event ever since.

"Gathering together at the annual March for Life is vital, not only because it allows the Church’s leadership to demonstrate Orthodoxy’s uncompromising commitment to the sanctity of human life, but also because it provides an important occasion to bear witness to this commitment to the rest of the pro-life community – an evangelistic opportunity in itself," said Emily Wilkinson, OCLife Executive Director.

This year, a Divine Liturgy will be served at St. Nicholas Cathedral on the morning of the March for Life. Then Orthodox Christians will gather at a designated meeting spot on the National Mall to pray a Service of Supplication for an End to Abortion led by His Beatitude, Metropolitan TIKHON, prior to the commencement of the March for Life.

On the West Coast, Orthodox Christians will gather for a service led by local clergy prior to the commencement of the Walk for Life.

Planning and promotional materials for the March for Life gathering, along with a full schedule of activities, can be found at oclife.org/march. Likewise, Walk for Life information can be found at oclife.org/walk. Participants can also sign up for text message updates to be alerted of any last-minute changes to the schedule or meeting place.

While the March for Life offers an annual opportunity for proclaiming the Church's pro-life beliefs, Orthodox Christians for Life is dedicated to helping the Orthodox community live out these beliefs during the whole year. Through its Parish Ministry Program, OCLife is actively equipping parishes to become faithful and loving advocates for the sanctity of life. For more information about OCLife or the Parish Ministry Program, see oclife.org.

Contact: Louisa Rogers
Email: info@oclife.org


Steve1/16/2022 9:51 pm
Ion, thanks for your response. From what you write, it sounds like perhaps ROCOR bishops don't attend the March for Life, because they see it as an "ecumenist" event of "so called world orthodoxy" and a "getting together with some protestants". Indeed, it is interesting that the priest who spearheaded the Orthodox involvement in the March for Life, Father John Kowalcyzk, recounts how one of the highlights of his involvement was meeting Mother Theresa. Wow! That must of felt amazing to have met such a world renowned and revered Roman Catholic nun, now a saint of the Roman Catholics! Undeniably, it's just a great feeling to "walk the walk, and talk the talk", that is, to actually put our feet where our mouth is.
Ion1/16/2022 8:24 am
To me it just makes me wonder how orthodox people go to such events when in fact the orthodox nations are on top the list when it comes with fewer babies and on top of the list with abortions . Perhaps orthodox need to fix themselves first and then tell the world how to live a Christian life .I would be ashamed to even participate in such events when I hear about the millions of babies killed in the womb and stopping them from concepting . Do not be asking why ROCOR bishops are not participating in such events or other events of the so called world orthodoxy which is fallen orthodoxy these days or getting together with some protestants . World orthodoxy has fallen off the cliff . They got together with others not of the faith and have caught up in the snare of the ecumenists .
Steve1/14/2022 5:41 am
As a powerful interfaith and populist movement, the March For Life continues to bring Christians from all types of denominations together in "walking the walk, and talking the talk". Indeed, here the shoe rubber actually does hit the road, and perhaps it's the only place in America where Christians awesomely stand together united, voting with their feet. It is "Church on the Street". Like a shining light issuing forth, these marchers are the active votes that clearly reveal to politicians the only way to get elected in predominantly Pro-Life territory. Thanks to the early 1987 initiative of Metropolitan Herman, Fr. John Kowalczyk, and Martin Paluch, these stalwart and cutting-edge leaders of Orthodoxy in America have since created an amazing legacy of Orthodox involvement in the March For Life. Each year, more and more Orthodox bishops are getting involved. So why, I sometimes wonder, do I never see any ROCOR bishops at the March For Life?
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