Deprive Russian Church of autocephaly for 5 years, Greek bishop-canonist proposes

Peristeri, Greece, February 11, 2022

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The Russian Church has not only invaded the territory of the Patriarchate of Alexandria, but has, in fact, created a schism, believes Metropolitan Gregory of Peristeri.

Therefore, the Church should be deprived of its autocephalous status for a period of five years, Met. Gregory, professor of canon law at the Theological School of the University of Athens, proposes.

Likewise, against the background of the Russian Church’s rejection of Constantinople’s interference in Ukraine, Archbishop Job (Getcha) of the Patriarchate of Constantinople stated in 2018 that Constantinople has the authority to simply rescind the autocephaly of any Church that arose after the period of the Ecumenical Councils.

In Met. Gregory’s view, the Russian Church was granted autocephaly in 1589 with two conditions: to conduct activities within the borders of its territory and to communicate with the other Churches. Thus, Pat. Bartholomew should revoke the Russian Church’s autocephaly and defrock Metropolitan Leonid, the Russian Exarchate for Africa, the Greek hierarch believes.

“This means that, at the same time, the bishops of the Russian Church will enter into the Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Then they won’t be able to make decisions like they did in December,” he said, referring to the establishment of the African Exarchate.

Additionally, a pan-Orthodox council should be immediately called to deal with the Russian Church’s African Exarchate, Met. Gregory said on a few days ago.

He also expressed his conviction that Africa is only the beginning. The Russian Church will likewise move into the territory of the Church of Greece and the Patriarchate of Constantinople, Met. Gregory believes.

Further, he accuses that the Ukrainian crisis is only a pretext used to finally enact what Moscow has been planning for 30 years already.

“It’s absurd to punish those who follow the decision of the Ecumenical Patriarchate,” the Metropolitan said.

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Reid2/17/2022 5:43 pm
This all seems like the work of "god's choosen people," or crypto "chosen people." There should be some investigation into this at the very least. They have corrupted the West and western churches, but not The True Church. If one looks, they are literally in the shadows of all revolutionary movements, if not out in the open if they are bold enough and feel their power is unthreatened as in the West.
Anonsayswhat2/13/2022 1:47 pm
For those blaming Greeks, I assure you all there is nothing Greek about these figures. Masonic bishops are plentiful in the Greek Churches/synods. That’s all. Their God is the devil. But God gives the faithful what they deserve. We must repent to gain true Bishops.
Paul2/12/2022 9:15 pm
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Everyone should be laughing at Met. Gregory right now, because he is quite the comedian! In fact, Greeks in general seem to have a talent for comedy. They're very funny people. As the Greeks' ridiculous bid to dominate all of Orthodoxy continues, I find myself laughing at them every day!
JJ2/12/2022 8:25 pm
The origins of all this were discussed in German and Arabic 05.02.2022 by Metropolitan Isaak of the Antiochian Church in Germany and Central Europe. If you want to read it throw this text into Google translate. Stellungnahme Seiner Eminenz Isaak, zu den Geschehnissen zwischen der Kirche von Konstantinopel und Russland 12. Februar 2022 43 Views veröffentlicht am 05.02.2022 Die Krise zwischen Konstantinopel und Russland Jeden Tag lesen wir über die Krise zwischen Konstantinopel und Russland, die mittlerweile komplett eskaliert ist und droht, die gesamte Orthodoxie zu spalten und zu zerstören. Es ist nicht abstreitbar, dass beide Seiten in dem, was sie behaupten, versuchen, Recht und Legitimität zu beweisen. Dennoch danken wir Gott für die Anwesenheit einiger besorgter Menschen innerhalb der orthodoxen Kirche, die sich auf die Krise zwischen den beiden geschwisterlichen Kirchen konzentrieren und alles tun, um die Krise zwischen den beiden Kirchen beizulegen. Sie fordern, dass beide Seiten wieder an einem Tisch sitzen und ihre Differenzen gemeinsam und in der Anwesenheit ihrer Brüder lösen, die die gleiche Verantwortung tragen und den gleichen Schmerz erleiden für das, was in der orthodoxen Gemeinschaft passiert. Beide Parteien sind dazu aufgefordert in den brüderlichen Dialog zu gehen, wie es sich unter Geschwisterkirchen gebührt. Als Bischof, der in West- und Mitteleuropa lebt, in der die orthodoxen Christen als Minderheit gelten, wollte ich meine Meinung zu dieser eskalierten Krise, die unsere Existenz und Kontinuität beeinträchtigt, äußern. Die meisten, die darüber schreiben, gehören entweder zu der russischen oder zu der griechischen Seite. Es bleibt niemandem verborgen, dass die Wurzeln des Problems sehr alt sind. Das historisch bedingte und bleibende Gefühl unter den Brüdern von Konstantinopel ist, dass die russischen Brüder sie ihrer historischen Rechte berauben wollen. So die Behauptung. Auf der anderen Seite fühlen die russischen Brüder Konstantinopels Wunsch, sich an ihnen zu rächen und sie zu zerbrechen. Sie gehen davon aus, dass dieser Wunsch wachsen wird, wenn sich die Gelegenheit dazu bietet. Vor allem, wenn man die Geschichte und die daraus resultierenden Gesetze betrachtet, die Konstantinopel die Legitimität verlieh, die Rechte und Privilegien, die es heute hat, für sich zu beanspruchen. Ich kehre zu unserer gegenwärtigen schmerzhaften Realität zurück, die uns daran hindert, in einem Land, in dem wir alle Fremde sind, an einem Tisch zu sitzen. Welches Zeugnis geben wir als Orthodoxe den Bewohnern dieses Landes, wenn wir gespalten und nicht in der Lage sind, einander zu begegnen und eine gemeinsame Zukunft voller christlicher Werte für alle aufzubauen? Wo gelangen wir hin, wenn wir neue Umstände vermeiden, die unweigerlich in dieser Welt erscheinen und den demografischen Wandel herbeiführen? Meiner bescheidenen Meinung nach gehen die Wurzeln der aktuellen Krise auf eine Zeit jenseits der Versammlung von Kreta zurück. Es begann, als das Problem, unter dem wir in unserer antiochenischen Kirche litten, das von unseren Brüdern in der Jerusalemer Kirche verursacht wurde – nämlich die Angelegenheit der Kirchengemeinde in Katar – nicht ernsthaft und kollegial angegangen wurde, da Seine Heiligkeit, der Ökumenische Patriarch, sich weigerte, es beim Treffen der Kirchenoberhäupter, das 2014 stattfand, in die Tagesordnung mit einzubeziehen. Die anderen Kirchen schauten nur zu, trotz aller Aufrufe, die wir während der Vorbereitungsarbeiten für die Heilige Synode gemacht hatten. Jeder erinnert sich an die Ergebnisse, die daraus resultierten und die bis heute gültig sind, nämlich die Trennung der Gemeinschaft zwischen der Antiochenischen Kirche und der Kirche von Jerusalem. Dieses Thema blieb wohlgemerkt mehr als einmal unbeachtet, erst recht von der Ukraine und von Alexandria. Ich erinnere mich an das letzte
JEinCA2/12/2022 11:58 am
Metropolitan Gregory should be reminded that to commune with heretics is to be a heretic. True Orthodox Christians in Africa or Asia Minor or Greece have an absolute right to be in communion with the One True, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and not to be under the rule of little dictators in clerical robes who would force them into communion with heretics and Schismatics. God bless the Patriarch of Moscow and the Russian Church for standing firm against these Judas' in Orthodox robes, these traitors to Orthodoxy who've sold their souls (and sold out Christ) to the godless Western Elites for thirty pieces of silver. Shame on them all!
David2/12/2022 4:56 am
Michael: There are many Orthodox in Asia Minor, actually. The EP has spent years quietly restoring and rebuilding old Churches, and the Orthodox there have received (and are receiving) pastoral care from the EP. Russian speaking priests, old calendar, and Slavonic Liturgies. Just because these Orthodox in Turkey are Russian or are part of the former Soviet Union, doesn't make them automatically part of the Moscow Patriarchate. That would be akin to saying the Greeks who live in Russia are part of the EP/Church of Greece. Don't let your antipathy towards the EP harden your heart against those who are laboring for Christ in difficult conditions. The Church of Constantinople is real, and it exists.
Steve2/12/2022 4:43 am
"He accuses that the Ukrainian crisis is only a pretext used to finally enact what Moscow has been planning for 30 years already". So, what has Moscow been planning for 30 years already? It sounds like that part was omitted by the editor.
Braden Rice2/12/2022 4:34 am
Yeah that's literally papism what he's proposing
David 2/12/2022 3:32 am
No Patriarchate can unilaterally revoke autocephaly, AND No Patriarchate can unilaterally declare another to be in schism. A lot of "Unilateralism" going on here, on "both sides."
Isaac Crabtree2/12/2022 12:15 am
Michael wins the Orthodox internet with his comment today. This is all geopolitics that has made the EP commit such a thing against Church integrity and unity. The true sheep of the Church look to those whose confession of faith is not up for sale, and those who provide spiritual leadership for us sinful Christians of the last days. Ecumenical Patriarch Jeremias II, in his lifting Moscow’s bishop to a Patriarch hailed the kingdom of the Russian Tsar, the Third Rome. This was acknowledged by all the holy Patriarchs in formerly Byzantine lands. Russia literally fed those ancient churches for centuries. The conversion of Rus has also been seen as the providential replacement within the Church of the fallen Latin West.
Athanasius2/11/2022 11:50 pm
@Michael, I am coming to that position myself. The Moscow Patriarchate herself has no ambition to be the "Third Rome," but in fact it is in many ways... They have the numbers, they have the blood of the martyrs (more than all other churches combined), they have an "Empire," an Ecume, where the old two-headed eagle still stands for something and both heads are operative, they have the scholars and theologians, the seminaries and monasteries, the worldwide missions, AND, most critically, they are faithful in actually evangelizing their own people, people in their own territory, from translating the Gospels and services into Chukchi to running residential drug rehab programs, from feeding the hungry to offering religious services and education to prisoners. The Phanar is doing nothing like that. They just hob nob for photo ops and play politics. Constantinople is gone, the Orthodox Roman empire is gone. Time to radically shuffle the dyptichs.
James2/11/2022 11:36 pm
Just to remind readers of this site that the Russian Church does not actually teach that Constantinople and Alexandria are outside of the Church. That's what this particular issue comes down to. (Not to say that this bishop's suggestions aren't Looney Tunes.)
Blagoje2/11/2022 9:00 pm
Amazing the ideas that run through these people's minds
Alex2/11/2022 7:07 pm
Wow...I stand by what I've said before, Metropolitan Gregory (of Peristeri) must be eating lots of marijuana gummies. It's the only rational explanation for his fantasy-like statements. Constantinople went into schism after they invaded the MP's canonical territory by creating a renegade church full of schismatics, deposed clergy and self-ordained laymen to compete against the canonical autonomous Ukrainian Orthodox Church under the saintly Met. Onuphry. Constantinople has no right to 'revoke' the autocephaly of any Orthodox church; only a pan-Orthodox council can do that. And, if there is any pan-Orthodox council, I'm sure that Pat. Bartholomew will be the one getting his hands slapped. (The jig is up Constantinople! Time to wake up and smell the coffee.)
Theodoros 2/11/2022 5:10 pm
It is surprising that such ignorant clerics can become metropolitans. Constantinople has no authority over any autocephalous Church. Any attempt to deprive The Russian Church of its autocephalous status would expose the laughable claims of the Phanar. One of the many things that bothers me about all of this is how the bishops of Greece have completely surrendered the Church of Greece’s autocephaly. The two previous Archbishops of Athens Serapheim and Christodoulos fought against Bartholomew and defended the church of Greece. What a disgrace that Greek bishops follow the Phanar so blindly and at the expense of Orthodox unity. No one has any right to complain about the Russians in Africa since Constantinople started all of this by invading Ukraine.
Antiochene Son2/11/2022 3:45 pm
Be careful! If the Russian bishops would then enter the Holy Synod of Constantinople as he says, that means Russia would easily gain control of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Bartholomew is in his 80s, so it's not improbable that he would go to his eternal reward during the next 5 years. Imagine if Russia got to choose the Ecumenical Patriarch and reset a lot of Bartholomew's policies. Like I said, be careful!
Michael 2/11/2022 3:43 pm
These Greek bishops live in La-La land. There is no more Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. There is no more Imperial City or Empire. Constantinople is a dead see. It’s now 1,500 remaining members are elderly and dying off quickly. It Patriarch and Synod do not evangelize. The hide in the last part of the Greek ghetto known as Fanari and play Byzantine dress up and hand out the tin medals and awards of a long dead empire. By contrast the Church of Russia is vibrant and growing and opening new Churches and Monasteries every week. Although Greek by blood I consider Constantinople dead and look to Moscow as the true world leadership of our holy Church. Over 200,000,000 other Orthodox Christians (including many of us who are Greek by blood) do the same and and we now look to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia for leadership instead of the Bishop of Istanbul and all Turkey (or at least the parts the Turks let him visit on occasion as long as he wears a western business suit).
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