Christ is Risen!
Just a few days ago the Holy Church called you and me, brothers and sisters, to Golgotha, where the Lamb of God, Who took upon Himself the sins of the whole world (cf. Jn. 1:29), suffered and was crucified. We contemplated His torments and heard how He was mocked and humiliated despite His innocence. We also saw the Most Holy Virgin there, Who grieved and sorrowed as She witnessed the Passion of Her beloved Son. And indeed many of us shared in Her suffering and distress. And then Christ’s sweetest voice was heard: “Weep not for Me, O Mother, seeing Me in the tomb…, for I shall arise and be glorified.”
Time passed, and sadness was turned into joy both for the Mother of God and for us. And in these days we hear the joyful news of the Angel: “Rejoice, O Pure Virgin… Thy Son is Risen from His three days in the tomb! With Himself He has raised all the dead! Rejoice, all ye people!”
Today we have gathered in the Church of the Mother of God to fulfill the Angel’s call: to jubilate and rejoice in Her Resurrected Son. And, of course, the Most Blessed Virgin is now with us, rejoicing and praying to God. She loves us so much! On account of the great abundance of Divine love and mercy that She pours out on the world the Holy Church now calls the Theotokos the “Life-Giving Spring”. Just as a natural spring exudes water that washes a person, quenches his thirst and waters the thirsty earth, the Most Blessed Virgin exuded the Living Water to the world—Christ the Savior Who washed away our filth and quenched the thirst of the whole earth and all mankind, languishing under the weight of sin, damnation and death. She contributed to the great cause of our salvation: the Sun of Truth shone forth from Her, giving us breath, life and everything. Together with Her we mourned for “the Sun that was before the sun and Who had once set in the tomb”. Together with Her we are rejoicing in His Resurrection.
Let us now glorify the Queen of Heaven. Let us ask Her for Her motherly intercession and the blessings that She generously pours out on all who flock to Her: O Most Holy Theotokos, vouchsafe us to always partake of Thy Life-Giving Spring. Teach us to love Thy Son and do His will! Help us preserve the joy of His Resurrection forever and accept us, as we sing to Thee with the angel: “Rejoice, O Pure Virgin… Thy Son is Risen from His three days in the tomb! And we, people, are all rejoicing!” Amen.