Conference “On the Ethos of the Orthodox Church” to be held at Antiochian Village

Bolivar, Pennsylvania, July 18, 2022

Photo: Photo: Under the honorary chairmanship of His Grace Bishop Luke of Syracuse (Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia) and with the sponsorship of Uncut Mountain Press, a conference “On the Ethos of the Orthodox Church” will be held in Pennsylvania in October.

The gathering, to be held at the Antiochian Village and Retreat Center in Bolivar, Pennsylvania, October 6-9, is the first annual conference of Uncut Mountain Press, an Orthodox publisher of works by St. Nikodemos the Hagioriate, Elder Cleopa of Romania, Fr. John Romanides, and may more. OrthoChristian reported on the press’ relaunch with new and old titles last week.

“The gathering will bring together spiritual fathers, teachers and faithful desiring to go deeper into the Way of Being in Christ: how this is acquired, lived, imparted. At the heart of this conference will be an Athonite-style vigil for the Feast of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian. A rare gathering and an exceptional opportunity you won’t want to miss!” reads the conference announcement.

Talks include:

  • The Orthodox Liturgical and Eucharistic Ethos Today (Archpriest Romanos Galben)

  • Orthodox Piety and Pietism (Hieromonk Felipe Balingit)

  • The Orthodox Ethos as Exemplified in Elder Ephraim (Archimandrite Demetrios Carellas)

  • Reinforcing the Orthodox Ethos in the Parish (Archpriest Joseph Copeland)

  • Orthodox Catechism and the Orthodox Ethos (Archpriest Josiah Trenham)

  • The Inseparable Unity of Dogma and Ethos (Archpriest Peter Heers)

  • Walking in the Orthodox Way: Safeguard Against the Zeitgeist (Fr. Zachariah Lynch)

  • The Orthodox Ethos in the Life and Writings of Elder Athanasios Mitilinaios (Constantine Zalalas)

  • Book Presentation: Antichrist: The Fulfillment of Globalization (G. M. Davis, Ph.D)

  • Book Presentation: The Church and the Pope (Robert Spencer)

The feast of St. John the Theologian will culminate with a midnight Divine Liturgy, followed by an agape meal.

See Uncut Mountain Press for more information about accommodations at the Antiochian Village and registration.

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Constantine Zalalas3/22/2023 9:36 pm
Please remind me where and when I ever supported Patriarch Bartholomew on the Ukraine issue? On the contrary! I held him responsible and continue to do so! Slander is not of God dear brothers!
David8/18/2022 2:13 pm
Enjoy the theater, Herman. Should be a nice and entertaining time I imagine.
Herman7/21/2022 1:40 pm
Mark: thanks for the response. I guess I'll just have to ask him myself, as I will be attending this conference.
Mark7/21/2022 9:04 am
Herman: Yes, it is true, Zalalas does support Bartholomew's work in Ukraine and has publicly said so when asked his opinion on the matter. He claims that Bartholomew "brought millions of Ukrainians into the church who were formerly schismatics". The entire claim is not based on the facts, and the question is why would he defend the forced seizure of churches, neo-nazis nationalists, and ultra-right wing Ukrainians who are communing with Uniates? Why would he claim that millions of Ukrainians joined the church when in reality it was a very very small minority of insane, unrepentant heretics who are ready to murder Russians whenever they get the chance, that "uncanonically" and without the blessing of the entire church where "joined to the church" by the globalist slave, Bartholomew? Why does he stay within that man's omophorion and the omophorion of Elpidiphoros if he is such a "traditionalist?" He is loyal to PB and AE because they are Greeks and nothing more! In terms of the "Christ being Greek" statement, I have not heard it, but I do know that what the man says to the Greeks and what he thinks about his Greek heritage is very different than what he says to the non-Greeks! He claims to be a theologian, but he can't admit that many of the Holy Fathers of the Church were NOT Greek and did not write in Greek! He pushes the lie that even non-Greek fathers wanted to learn Greek so they could write in the "language of the fathers"! This is truly insane! The man says saints like St. Isaac the Syrian, St. Ephraim the Syrian, St. Hillary of Poitiers, St Ambrose of Milan and many, many other non-Greek saints were either "really Greeks" or " they learned Greek so they could write in the language of the fathers". He gives absolutely no place to the fact that the Christ and His Holy Apostles, The Holy Virgin and almost all of the 1st-2nd century saints and martyrs were Jewish Hebrews! He simply cant process that realty so he has created a false version of history, and yes, I have heard this with my own ears on many occasions, in person at his lectures, and the saddest thing about it is that nobody will dare question the man! It's like watching mass hypnosis. It is truly insane!
Herman7/20/2022 5:04 am
Re: comment below -- Where does Zalalas support the Ukrainian schismatics? In an article or lecture of some kind? Haven't heard that... I'm not aware of Zalalas claiming Christ was Greek either. I've only known him to be very Orthodox, and have listened to his talks for years.
Don't Listen To Fake "Conservatives"7/19/2022 2:36 am
This is so funny! OrthoChristian is promoting a talk with Constantinos Zalalas, one of the greatest flip flopping orthodox "theologians" of the 21st century and a staunch defender of Patriarch Bartholomew's evil and wicked globalist deeds in Ukraine and other parts of the world. Why does he defend him you ask? Well, simply because Bartholoemew is a Greek, and how can Greeks ever make any mistakes? Especially if the Greek just so happen to be a new calendar bishops! He is a pure Hellenist who sees the rest of the Orthodox world as sub-orthodox "gentiles"! This is the kind of man that will tell you that the whole world was Greek at one point, and that Christ Himself is not a Jew, but a Greek! Sound absurd? Well, this is the kind of UN-Orthodox thinking that Zalalas and a few of the other speakers possess. Don't waste your money on this spectacle of egos trying to outdo one-another, and read the Holy Fathers of the Church in their pure and unadulterated teachings while we still have them! One day all of orthodoxy will be full of these kinds of "teachers"! May God help us all when that day comes! DO NOT LISTEN TO THE MODERNISTS IN "TRADITIONALISTS" CLOTHING!!!
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