Archbishop Elpidophoros scandals dominate Constantinople Synod meeting

Istanbul, July 28, 2022

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Recent actions of Archbishop Elpidophoros that have drawn considerable criticism of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and the Patriarchate of Constantinople were the hot topic of discussion at the latest session of Constantinople’s Synod of Bishops on July 21-22.

Patriarch Bartholomew “received from synodal hierarchs an almost unanimous number of remarks, concerns, revelations, and complaints about the arbitrariness and actions of the Archbishop Elpidophoros of America which have put the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Patriarch himself personally in a difficult position,” reports the National Herald.

“It was one of the few times that so many hierarchs expressed themselves in this way,” the Herald notes.

“Patriarch Bartholomew is said to be very troubled and distressed by what is happening, as he is receiving complaints from everywhere about Archbishop Elpidophoros—and he doesn’t know what to do.” The Synod was informed that many priests don’t want the Archbishop, but are afraid to speak out of fear of persecution.

In particular, the report mentions the scandal surrounding the Archbishop’s plans to consecrate a canonical defrocked priest, Alexander Belya, to the episcopate. The Synod spoke about the serious pushback from the hierarchs of other jurisdictions in America and their threats to withdraw from the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America if Belya becomes a member.

GOARCH was forced to indefinitely postpone the consecration, which would have taken place this coming Saturday.

Recall that it was the Holy Synod itself that previously elected Belya as an auxiliary bishop for GOARCH and its Slavic Vicariate.

The National Herald also reports that Belya and his brother were at the Phanar, waiting outside the Synod chambers for hours until the meeting was over. “Asked about this, the Patriarch reportedly replied that he did not have a chance to tell Elpidophoros not to send him.”

Belya is also currently suing the Eastern American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and several prominent hierarchs and clerics.

There was also a discussion about the scandal surrounding the Archbishop’s celebration of the publicity-focused Baptism of the children of an internationally famous gay couple, who praised him for celebrating Greece’s first “openly gay Baptism.”

Following the complaint of Metropolitan Antonios of Glyfada, in whose diocese the Baptism took place, the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece sent letters of protest to Abp. Elpidophoros and Pat. Bartholomew.

“Despite the interventions of Synod members, the Patriarch ignored the matter and did not allow anything about it to be included in the announcements, sending the message in all directions that he is covering for and supports Archbishop Elpidophoros. The Patriarch is reported to have said that, ‘we cannot change Archbishops in America every three years,’” the National Herald reports.

The Synod also discussed the issue with the GOARCH charter, which the Synod suspended in October 2020 at Abp. Elpidophoros’ insistence without following proper procedure. The hierarchs decided to lift the suspension and make the charter active again.

“It was also said that it was an unacceptable mistake to dethrone Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey, without his having an opportunity to respond to the allegations of Elpidophoros.” The National Herald reports that some hierarchs were even shocked when they learned how the given Synod session transpired in October 2020.

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Yannis12/19/2023 3:09 am
Elpidophoros is no good! Maybe his name should be Eosphoros. That sounds more appropriate
Evangelos Alexiou9/10/2022 3:26 am
To equate the Virgin Mary’s choice to give birth to the Messiah to a woman’s choice to kill her baby in the womb is complete heresy and sheer foolishness. In the first case new life was the choice and in the second case ending an existing life via murder was the choice….no relationship and smoking mirrors to justify killing a child. If the American Greek Orthodox priests are in fear of retaliation by the Archbishop , said fear is misplaced. There greater fear should be to remain silent and face the eternal judgement of the Lord Jesus Christ! They,too, have the right to choose .
Maria Prassakos8/29/2022 8:14 am
I, along with other Greek Orthodox Christians, demand the resignation or removal of AB Elpidophoros! He is defying Holy Tradition and has violated many tenets of our Orthodox faith. Please sign my petition and circulate to friends, family, your local Church, and social media. My cause/details are outlined in the petition:
michael jovanovich8/17/2022 11:58 pm
He's no clergyman but a gay promoter of the Globalist Agenda. He was put there INTENTIONALLY for that purpose. He and The Church know the devilish deeds they are doing. I love Greece and the Greek people but their Church and their government are EVIL!
VICTORIA8/5/2022 3:37 pm
It’s shocking to see how so many people are surprised at the current condition of the church. Have we not read the prophecy of Matthew 24? St. John’s letters to the seven churches in the Revelation? Many are called, few are chosen. The chosen will stand up against the heresy. Those who fear the persecution will suffer loss. But the army of the Lord will stand tall, fearless, and ready to fight against the evil forces that have infiltrated the one and only Holy and apostolic church. The Warriors will make themselves known when the time comes. Fear not.
me8/2/2022 11:14 am
If Bartholomew do not defroct Epidolforost that means that he also left Christ 's teaching. As concequance he stoped to be christian and he can not be ecumenical patriarch. If the Synod do not defroct Barthomew that means that Synod also left Christ's teaching and the Patriach from Constantjnople ceasse to exist
Elaine Iuanow7/29/2022 7:33 pm
Praying that Archbishop Elpidophoros is removed. He does not represents the teachings of Christ. Enough is enough.
Tepy Nezeris7/29/2022 10:23 am
How can the Patriachate say he doesn't know what to do! Where is his discernment, Archbishop Elpidophoros should be defrocked for mocking Christ and his teachings publically. Christ turned the tables and expressed righteous anger as to how they treated his Father's temple into a den of robbers. Archbishop Elpidophoros has disgraced and brought disripute to Orthodoxy, he must be held accountable so he doesn't do worse next time. If the Patriachate Bartholomew does nothing and sits quitely in the side lines, is like he accepts and condones these heretical actions of display in our Lord's Church. May the Lord illumine you with wisdom and have Mercy on Us All ????????
Dimitri7/29/2022 3:52 am
When the machine constantly breaks, and parts and repairs are do not holdup, then it must be time to get a new better designed machine. Maybe time for a domestically designed rather an import.
Sir Gatanas 7/28/2022 11:44 pm
We The People Demand Resignation of AB Elpidoforos! Elpi has proven a dozen times to be unfit to serve as Archbishop. Enough is Enough Bartholomew!
sherlock_holmes7/28/2022 11:27 pm
Motto : Birds of a feather flock together !...Good that pat. Bartholomew is not a lawyer.
Tim Jenkins7/28/2022 8:53 pm
Other sad GOARCH situations causing grief and dissent: unlike the OCA, no press release on the US Supreme Court abortion decision; ambiguous abortion comments at the Right to Life rally; slavish devotion to disgraced abortion advocate Andrew Cuomo; public blessing prayer of abortion advocate Joe Biden during the Democrat Convention; public participation in lesbian-Marxist-led BLM protest; dis-enrollment of Holy Cross Seminary students who refused covid jab.
Dimitri7/28/2022 6:01 pm
It is surely past time to clean house and restructure the hierarchical format world wide.
Petros 7/28/2022 4:11 pm
“The Patriarch is reported to have said that, ‘we cannot change Archbishops in America every three years,’” the National Herald reports.“ Then stop putting in duds….
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