Pro-life circular read in all churches in Greece on feast of Nativity of Mother of God

Greece, September 8, 2022     

Today, a pro-life message was read out for the Orthodox faithful in Greece in all churches across the country.

The statement, “On the Protection of Human Life and the Avoidance of Abortion,” was recently issued by the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece to be read out on the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, celebrated today on the new calendar.

The text of the circular is published on various Greek outlets, including Romfea.

The Synod categorically affirms: “The fetus is a perfect human being in terms of identity.”

“To prove this, it’s enough to reflect that according to the faith of the Church, Jesus Christ is perfect God and perfect man; both on Tabor being transformed into glory, and as a baby being born in Bethlehem, but also as a fetus being enfleshed in Nazareth!”

“Unfortunately, however, in our days there are supposedly scientific opinions that question the value of the fetus,” the hierarchs write, “and there are social perceptions that leave it unprotected, depriving it of the privilege of life; there is jurisprudence that legally shields abortions, but not the right of the fetus to life, thus justifying human cruelty.”

The Synod also states:

Our Church, as the mother of spiritual life, which fervently prays for the health, longevity and rebirth of those who have been born, cannot consider the choice of abortion simply and unilaterally as a legal issue or an absolute human right of the pregnant woman… That is why it raises its voice for the protection of life and the birth of the unborn and, facing the sanctity of human existence and life, asks women blessed with the possibility of motherhood to do everything to protect the treasure of life they hold in their wombs and, despite the often adverse circumstances or the pressing opinion of others, to accept the gift of God with trust and faith.

The Synod thus “addresses the entire political world and appeals for the protection of the sacred institution of the family and especially the support of large families.”

The statement concludes:

The Holy Synod of the Church of Greece appeals to everyone for constant prayer and repentance, so that life might not be defeated by the mortal choices of people. The deliberate and indiscriminate taking of a life is contrary to our due respect for the sanctity of Divine creation and indeed for its crown, man, and removes God’s energy from our lives and banishes His grace.

We struggle to accept with joy and hope the birth of each child as part of God’s economy for the salvation of the world and freedom from the corruption of death, as this is clearly seen in the hymnography of the feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos: “Thy Nativity, O Virgin, hast proclaimed joy to the whole universe! The Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God, hast shone from Thee, O Theotokos! By annulling the curse, He bestowed a blessing. By destroying death, He hast granted us eternal Life.”

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