Church of St. Tikhon of Moscow being built on Shikotan Island in Russian Far East

Malokurilskoe, Shikotan Island, Sakhalin Province, Russia, September 14, 2022

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The foundation of a new church complex named for St. Tikhon of Moscow, who served as a missionary bishop in America before becoming the Russian Patriarch, was laid on Shikotan Island in the Pacific Ocean yesterday.

During a pastoral visit to the Kuril Islands, His Eminence Archbishop Nikanor of South Sakhalin celebrated the rite of founding a church in the village of Malokurilskoe on Shikotan, one of the southernmost of the Kuril Islands, reports the Diocese of South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

The service was attended by clergy, faithful, and local authorities. The island has a population of about 2,100.

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The patron for the construction of the church was the Ostrovnoy fish processing plant, one of the largest such enterprises in the Sakhalin Province.

In addition to the church, the complex will include a spiritual and educational center and a priest’s rectory.

It’s intended that the construction of the entire complex will be completed by 2025, when the Russian Church will celebrated the 100th anniversary of the blessed repose of Patriarch St. Tikhon.

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