Metropolitan-Elect Nicholas (ROCOR) receives approval of Holy Synod, enthronement on Sunday

Moscow, September 15, 2022     

His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan was elected as the new First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia by its Council of Bishops on Tuesday.

Yesterday, he received the official approval of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, which met remotely to discuss his election, reports

According to the Act of Canonical Communion signed between the Moscow Patriarchate and ROCOR, the First Hierarch of ROCOR is elected by its Council of Bishops and approved by the Patriarch of Moscow and the Russian Holy Synod.

The rite of enthronement will take place this coming Sunday, September 18, at the Synodal Cathedral of Our Lady “of the Sign” in New York City.

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I always desired to serve in church or in a monastery, but I had no idea where or how. Most important for me was to help people and pass along what I had received from others. Simply put, I always relied on the will of God. And the Lord led me.
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His Holiness Alexey II, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia; Metropolitan Laurus of New York and Eastern America, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
Act of Canonical Communion Act of Canonical Communion
Being guided by the effort towards reestablishing blessed peace, Divinely-decreed love, and brotherly unity in the common work in the harvest-fields of God within the Fullness of the Russian Orthodox Church and her faithful in the Fatherland and abroad, taking into consideration the ecclesiastical life of the Russian diaspora outside the canonical borders of the Moscow Patriarchate, as dictated by history; Taking into account that the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia performs its service on the territories of many nations; By this Act declare:
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