Ukrainian Church holding All-Ukrainian procession for peace with relics of soldier saints

Ukraine, October 25, 2022

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A number of sacred relics and a wonderworking icon of the Most Holy Theotokos are currently being carried throughout Ukraine in a procession for peace.

The All-Ukrainian procession for peace initially began in February, but had to be suspended due to the war. But last Monday, the prayer march with the relics of 30 soldier saints, a miraculous Holy Protection Icon, and a particle of the omophorion of the Most Holy Theotokos resumed, reports the Information-Education Department of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

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Since then, the sacred treasures have already visited churches and monasteries in the Zaporozhye, Krivoy Rog, Kirovograd, Zhytomyr, and Rivne Dioceses, with molebens and Liturgies with prayers for peace being served at every stop.

“We will tirelessly appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos and our holy intercessors, so that by the grace of God. peace and tranquility will reign in our long-suffering Ukrainian land,” said Fr. Vyacheslav Yakovlenko, head of the UOC’s military chaplains, said after the moleben at the Holy Protection Cathedral in Zaporozhye on the day the procession restarted.


In Krivoy Rog, a locally venerated wonderworking icon of St. John the Warrior was also carried in the procession.

The icon and relics were also taken to the hospital for war veterans in the city of Kropivitsky, Kirovograd Province, where wounded Ukrainian soldiers are being treated.

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