President of Latvia pledges state support in Church strengthening “autocephalous status”

Riga, Latvia, December 20, 2022

Nativity of Christ Cathedral in Riga. Photo: Nativity of Christ Cathedral in Riga. Photo:     

The Latvian state is ready to help the Latvian Orthodox Church strengthen its status as an autocephalous Church, the head of state said at a recent conference on Church-state relations.

Recall that in early September, President Egils Levits submitted a draft law to Parliament that would change the status of the Latvian Church, making it not just an autonomous Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, but completely independent of the Russian Church, at least from a legal point of view.

The Parliament adopted the bill a few days later, and gave the Church until October 31 to amend its statues accordingly. The Church’s press service issued a statement essentially accepting its state-proclaimed autocephalous status, and in late October, a council of the Latvian Church made the relevant statutory changes and appealed to the Moscow Patriarchate for a decision on its status. The Russian Holy Synod has yet to comment on the issue.

And yesterday, the Latvian Church published news about the President’s assurance of help in the matter:

On December 14, 2022, the President of the Republic of Latvia, Mr. Egils Levits, took part in the discussion “Relations of the State and the Church in the modern world,” in which the heads of traditional Latvian confessions participated. During his speech, the President of Latvia offered words of support for the Latvian Orthodox Church.

Stressing that Latvia is characterized by unique church-state traditions focused on constructive dialogue and cooperation for the common good of society, President Egils Levits said in particular:

“Last year marked 100 years since the creation of a completely autonomous and independent Latvian Orthodox Church, which was approved by the tomos issued by Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow to Archbishop John (Pommer).

“It’s symbolic that this year, on my initiative, we legislatively regulated the status of the Latvian Orthodox Church, precisely establishing that our Orthodox Church is an autocephalous Church. It is independent from any other Church authority located outside Latvia, and now this is clearly stated in the law.

“During today’s conversation, I once again assured Metropolitan Alexander that the Church headed by him can count on state support in strengthening the status of the autocephalous Church.”

Regarding the status granted to the Latvian Church by Patriarch St. Tikhon, Archpriest Nikolai Balashov, advisor to the Russian Patriarch on external Church issues, has explained that the the Latvian president and Parliament don’t understand Church history.

In fact, Patriarch St. Tikhon granted the Latvian Church autonomy in 1921, not the full independence of autocephaly, and this same status was reaffirmed by His Holiness Patriarch Alexei II in 1992 after the fall of the Soviet Union.

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Panagiotis12/24/2022 4:47 am
There is a big difference between what happened when Churches broke away from Constantinople, and what is happening now in Latvia and the Russian Orthodox Church. For example, when the SERBIAN Orthodox Church was formed and broke away from Constantinople, the majority of the people were of ETHNIC SERBIAN descent and WANTED to leave. In LATVIAN Orthodox Church, the majority of people are NOT of ethnic Latvian descent, I.E. they ARE of ethnic Russian or Slavic descent, and most apparently do NOT WANT TO LEAVE their rightful Mother Church. What is happening in so-called Democratic Latvia is nothing more than anti-Russian and anti-Orthodox bigotry and/or discrimination in my opinion. They are going along with the plans of the sinister internationalist Puppet Masters who want to destroy Conservative Orthodox Russia. What is amazing is that this president who is supposed to be the LEADER of the LATVIANS IS NOT even allegedly of predominantly ethnic Latvian descent himself. His father is allegedly of Ashkenazi Jewish descent, and his mother is allegedly of mixed Baltic German and ethnic Latvian descent. But it looks like the stupid Latvians elected him anyways. Same thing happened in the Ukraine. The midget clown president of the Ukraine (the third president since the coup planned by the internationalists) is allegedly of full Ashkenazi Jewish descent. He is allegedly NOT of ethnic Ukrainian descent. Ethnic Ukrainians are a Slavic people, and he is not of Slavic descent allegedly. He is also allegedly NOT Orthodox Christian, even though the UKRAINE IS AN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN NATION. After the coup, the first president of Ukraine was a Baptist Protestant, in fact I think he is a Baptist Minister! The second president after the coup is allegedly of Ashkenazi Jewish descent from his father (although he has apparently denied this) and ethnic Ukrainian descent from his mother, and he is apparently Orthodox Christian. The overwhelming VAST MAJORITY of the MILLIONS of Ukrainian refugees who have fled the country ARE ORTHODOX Christians and ethnic Ukrainians, since there is no fighting in the western part of Ukraine, where the uniate traitors are concentrated. If the Orthodox refugees do not return, then the percentage of ORTHODOX in the UKRAINE will DIMINISH, and Ukraine may eventually become a NON-ORTHODOX country! Is this what the devious cohesive internationalists have been planning? PLEASE ALMIGHTY GOD give the Orthodox People knowledge so they can WAKE UP and open their eyes! All Glory to God and Fear Him! Just my humble opinion.
David12/23/2022 4:16 am
Matthew, unfortunately religion has now come to be seen as an aspect of geopolitics. This is not new. The British Crown used Anglicanism to that end, the Austrian Empire used "Latinization" for the imposition of Catholicism, and the Russian Empire used the Russian Church for their campaign of Russification within their own Empire. Even in America, during the height of the immigration, the Protestant churches were at the forefront of "Americanization," against both Orthodox and Catholics. All of this is just a repeat of what happened in the 19th Century, except this time, the Russian Church is the one being pulled apart, rather than the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The Balkan Churches resisted "the Turk" EP and "Hellenization" (sound familiar? Just substitute those terms with "Russian" and "Russian World" and it's the same phenomenon). And like the EP, the MP will not win this one. These Churches will break away. The MP will huff and puff for a few years (or decades) like the EP did, but in the end, it will happen.
Matthew12/22/2022 2:29 pm
It's fascinating how secular states, with "freedom of religion" in their constitutions, are now suddenly working so hard to "legislatively regulate the status of" Orthodox Churches.
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