GOARCH donates $400,000+ for fire-damaged hospital in Istanbul

Istanbul, January 6, 2023

Photo: orthodoxianewsagency.gr Photo: orthodoxianewsagency.gr     

On January 4, Archbishop Elpidophoros, the head of the Patriarchate of Constantinople’s Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, presented a donation of more than $400,000 to the Patriarchate for restoration and repairs to the Balıklı Hospital, which was ravaged by fire in August.

The fire, caused by faulty electrical wiring, destroyed the roof and upper floors of the Church-owned institution. 104 people had to be removed from the home. Thankfully, there were no casualties.

The Archbishop thanked the faithful for their generosity, which will help rebuild “this vital institution, which has served as a beacon of hope for so many in need.”

In all, the Archdiocese donated more than $420,000.

“It is our hope that the hospital will be restored to its former state and that it will continue to serve as a sanctuary for those in need,” Abp. Elpidophoros said.

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