Creation and Evolution: New book set from priest-geologist to be published in English—help the effort

McLeansboro, Illinois, March 23, 2023

Archpriest Constantine Buffeev. Photo: Archpriest Constantine Buffeev. Photo:     

An exciting new project has been announced that aims to bring to light for the English-speaking Orthodox world a groundbreaking series on the Orthodox teaching of Creation in the context of the evolution debate.

Archpriest Constantine Bufeev, a Russian geologist and Orthodox priest, spent more than 20 years researching the topic and writing three substantial volumes that examine the Creation vs. evolution debate from the point of view of theology, philosophy, and science.

Fr. Constantine is the founder of the Shestodnev Creationist Society that promotes the Patristic interpretation of the book of Genesis, where he was a co-laborer with Fr. Daniel Sysoev, who served as secretary for the society until he was martyred in 2009.

A new fundraiser has been launched to help publish high-quality translations of Fr. Constantine’s three books. The fundraising appeal describes the books:

The first volume is The Orthodox Doctrine of Creation and the Theories of Evolution. This volume contains the teachings of the Church, based on the teachings of Scripture and the teachings of beloved influential Christian Saints throughout history. The contents of this book speak of the creation of the world and the creation of man, according to historic Church teachings.

The second volume, The Orthodox Doctrine of Creation and the Classics of Evolution, is devoted to the three founders of this doctrine: Charles Darwin in the first part, Academician Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky in the second part, and in the third part, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, the first Western theologian who decided to combine the doctrine of evolution with the doctrine of creation. The author presents a detailed scientific and theological analysis of these three giants of evolution.

The third volume is The Orthodox Doctrine of Creation and Modernist Theology. It presents an analysis of those authors and their erroneous judgments on this topic, which are currently expressed in the theological and scholarly milieu.

The campaign’s immediate goal is to raise $22,000 to begin translating the first volume (440 pages). The overall goal is $102,000, which will cover translating, proofreading and editing, typesetting, and publication.

The campaign has managed to raise $15,365 thus far.

For much more information about the books, the author, and the translation project, and to make a personal contribution, see the IndieGoGo fundraiser page.

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