Mt. Athos: Former abbot of Koutloumousiou reposes in the Lord

Mt. Athos, May 10, 2023


Elder Christodoulos, the former abbot of Koutloumousiou, one of the 20 ruling monasteries on Mt. Athos, reposed in the Lord last night, May 9.

His funeral and burial will be held at the monastery this afternoon, reports Romfea.

Fr. Christodoulos spent 45 years on the Holy Mountain and dedicated his life to the spiritual and material reconstruction of the monastery.

He stepped down from the abbacy in the summer of 2020 and was succeeded by Hieromonk Nicholas.

May Elder Christodoulos’ memory be eternal!


Koutloumousiou, located not far from the Athonite capital of Karyes, is ranked 6th in the hierarchy of the 20 ruling monasteries.

The monastery dates to at least the 12th century, with the first written mention of the monastery coming from 1169. It is known for its library, containing more than 900 manuscripts and 3,500 printed books, and it is said to possess the largest piece of the True Cross.

Today, there are about 25 brothers at the monastery.

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