VIDEO: Bible, other items burned in Orthodox church break-in in Bay Area

Source: NBC Bay Area

June 26, 2023

Members of an East Bay Orthodox church say someone broke into their temple, set fire to several religious artifacts, and took nothing but cash from an adjacent daycare center.

Burnt pages from a holy bible, a charred crucifix and ashes were found around an altar.

“This is The Holy Bible that was in the altar. That was burnt as well as the place where we baptize our children,” said Ana Mourne.

She said her church was attacked early Monday.

“Oh my God, it was like somebody put a knife in my heart,” she said.

She’s a member of the Ascension of the Lord Romanian Orthodox Church in Hayward where firefighters say they responded to reports of smoke and found several religious artifacts set on fire.

Read the rest at NBC Bay Area.

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