Memorial prayers at site of Greek train accident

Tempi, Thessaly, Greece, March 10, 2023

Photo: Romfea Photo: Romfea     

Yesterday, on the ninth day since the tragic train accident near Tempi, Greece, memorial prayers were offered at the site of the accident for the souls of the reposed.

The memorial Trisagion was led by Metropolitan Ieronymos of Larissa together with Metropolitan Georgios of Kitros, and Metropolitan Chariton of Elassona, reports Romfea.

Photo: Romfea Photo: Romfea     

Met. Ieronymos offered heartfelt thanks to the rescuers, firefighters, police, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, and clergy who immediately jumped into action to support all those who were injured and who lost loved ones.

Prayers were also offered for all those who were injured and who are being treated in the hospital.

Met. Ieronymos also referenced the initiative of the Thessaly Region to build a small church in memory of those who perished in the accident.

Read the story of one man who survived the accident and helped save others with the help of St. Luke of Simferopol.

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