Bulgarian and Macedonian hierarchs and Romanian choir celebrate relics of St. John of Rila

Rila, Kyustendil Province, Bulgaria, July 4, 2023

Met. Ilarion of the MOC (left), Met. Daniil of Vidin (center), Bp. Evlogy (right). Photo: rilskimanastir.org Met. Ilarion of the MOC (left), Met. Daniil of Vidin (center), Bp. Evlogy (right). Photo: rilskimanastir.org     

On July 1, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church celebrated the return of the relics of its greatest saint, St. John the Wonderworker of Rila, from Tarnovgrad (today Veliko Tarnovo) to the monastery he founded, which took place in 1469.

“His beneficent light is shed far beyond the borders of the Bulgarian state; he is revered by all the other Orthodox Churches,” writes the Rila Monastery.

Venerating the relics of St. John of Rila. Photo: rilskimanastir.org Venerating the relics of St. John of Rila. Photo: rilskimanastir.org     

This year, the great saint brought together hierarchs from the Bulgarian and Macedonian Orthodox Churches and a choir from Romania.

The All-Night Vigil was celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Seraphim of Nevrokop and the monastery abbot, His Grace Bishop Evlogy of Adrianople, and clergy from throughout the country. The Vigil, which lasted until the early hours of Saturday, was attended by a large number of pilgrims.

The Divine Liturgy was presided over by His Eminence Metropolitan Daniil of Vidin with His Grace Bishop Evlogy and His Eminence Metropolitan Ilarion of Bregalnica from the Macedonian Orthodox Church-Ohrid Archbishopric, and other Bulgarian and Macedonian clergy.

Photo: rilskimanastir.org Photo: rilskimanastir.org     

The service was sung by the Academic Choir Byzantion from Iași, Romania.

“The current celebration of the return of the relics speaks volumes about the care that St. John of Rila has for all of us. In his Testament, he specifically instructs and paternally bequeaths to the monks of the holy monastery to preserve the holy Orthodox faith and to guard against the passions,” Met. Daniil said in his homily.

He also called on the faithful to trust only in what is eternal and to avoid those who cause division and discord in the Church.

Photo: rilskimanastir.org Photo: rilskimanastir.org     

Bp. Evlogy expressed the joy of concelebrating with his brother bishop from North Macedonia:

Every time we gather in prayer to glorify our Heavenly patron, St. John the Wonderworker of Rila, our souls are filled with great joy because the services are in honor of the saint, the patron of Bulgaria, and we feel his blessing over all of us. Therefore, our joy is great when we gather because, as the Savior has said, For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them (Mt. 18:20).

Unfortunately, for several decades, the Orthodox Church of North Macedonia was not in unity with the other Orthodox Churches for various reasons. But God is merciful and patient, giving those who have hope in Him what they need. Today’s joy is twofold with the presence of His Eminence Metropolitan Ilarion of Bregalnica and his assistants, because we celebrated the Holy Divine Liturgy together.

Today’s service is the first for His Eminence Metropolitan Ilarion, and it is a great honor for us. He is the first hierarch of the Orthodox Church of North Macedonia to concelebrate with us on this day, and together with him, we prayed to the Lord God and His servant, St. John the Wonderworker of Rila. I believe that our guests will take our love, respect, and mutual brotherly relationship with them.

In response, Met. Ilarion said:

We all should strive for unity, demonstrating love for one another. Thus, by living in love and repentance, fulfilling God’s commandments, relying on the holy servants of God—such as St. John of Rila, whom God gave us not only as a patron but also as an example of how to live, how to be saved, and how to overcome evil. We all should walk the path of God, starting to live the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth.

If we do not have love for one another, then whatever we do will be in vain. But when we embrace one another and bear the cross of eternity, the cross of salvation together, if we are united, then evil will have no power, and the grace of God will act within us. We will become victors and witnesses of Christ’s Resurrection. Let us show the enemy that we are united in the Lord—whether we live or die, it is only for the Lord and for eternity! Joyous and eternal feast!

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