Altar frescoes at Bulgaria’s St. John of Rila Monastery undergoing restoration

Rila, Bulgaria, July 19, 2022

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The 19th-century frescoes in the altar of the main church at Bulgaria’s renowned St. John of Rila Monastery are currently undergoing restoration.

The icons, which depict scenes from various feasts of the Lord and martyrs, warriors, and prophets, are being worked on by a team from the Academy of Arts, reports

Rila is the most important monastery in Bulgaria, home to the relics of Bulgaria’s Heavenly protector, St. John of Rila, who labored in the 9th-10th centuries.

The two-year restoration of the frescoes of the Nativity of the Mother of God Cathedral’s left kliros was completed last summer. Work on the right kliros is also underway.

The restoration work doesn’t interfere with the celebration of the Divine services or pilgrim access to St. John’s relics.

Restoration work was also carried out on the frescoes in the ‘80s.

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