Orthodox churches helping fire-ravaged Hawaii

Maui, Hawaii, August 14, 2023

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As fires rage on the Hawaiian island of Maui, destroying both homes and lives, Orthodox churches have joined in the effort to help those who have been displaced.

The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco describes the tragedy:

The destruction of another beautiful area of our country has struck, with raging fires in Maui, Hawaii, forcing evacuations and causing widespread loss of homes and structures. There are three fires impacting various parts of Maui: Lahaina, Kula and Kihei, all of which are suffering as a result of an unprecedented meteorological event brought on by the high winds of Hurricane Dora running south of the Hawaiian islands, with the force of northeasterly trade winds multiplied by the hurricane’s rotation.

Much of Lahaina has been destroyed, with people losing their homes and livelihoods. Thirty-six deaths have been reported so far, and numerous injuries. There are yet many people unaccounted for, as the speed and intensity of this fire provided little time to escape to safety. People even drove on to the beach so they could take protection in the water from the fast moving flames, and were ultimately rescued by the US Coast Guard.

Metropolitan Gerasimos commented:

I have had the opportunity to visit the mission parish in Maui on several occasions, and to see the reports of the devastation caused by these fires is truly heartbreaking. We pray for all those affected by the fires that the Lord may grant them strength and peace during these most difficult circumstances. We also pray for the first responders who are working tirelessly to contain these fires to stop this path of destruction.

Since 2012, the Metropolis of San Francisco has had a small mission parish on the island of Maui, served by clergy from Sts. Constantine and Helen Cathedral in Honolulu.

Dr. Jeffrey Yepez, President of the Maui mission, is leading an effort to assemble and distribute care packages with food, water, hygiene items, blankets, pillow, towels, clothes, and shoes to those who have been displaced. Parishioners have been delivering these care packages, together with messages of encouragement, to the Maui War Memorial Complex. Each package costs about $100, the mission reports.

Meanwhile, the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America of the Orthodox Church in America has launched its own fundraiser.

A collection will be taken at Episcopate parishes during the Divine Liturgy throughout the month of August, and donations can also be made online (be sure to select/note “Appeal: Hawaii Fires”).

Donations can also be made by check, payable to ROEA, at:

           PO Box 309
           Grass Lake, MI 49240-0309

Donates will be distributed by International Orthodox Christian Charities.

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