Russian Church providing assistance to victims of flooding in Far East

Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia, August 15, 2023

Emergencies Ministry for Primorye Emergencies Ministry for Primorye     

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, the Russian Church’s Synodal Department for Charity and Social Service is donating 1 million rubles ($10,425) to the Vladivostok Diocese for the purchase of necessary first aid items for the victims of the recent devastating flooding.

A state of emergency was declared in 19 municipalities in Russia’s Far East on Saturday after torrential downpours flooded several villages in the aftermath of the typhoon that hit Japan last week, reports the Russian Orthodox Church.

Thousands of residential buildings and household plots and 82 sections of road were flooded. Thankfully, there were no dead or missing as of Sunday, the Church reports.     

An operational headquarters was established in the diocese under His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir of Vladivostok on Sunday. Fundraising has begun, and collections are being taken in every church and monastery in the diocese. Bread, dry rations, and drinking water are being distributed, as well as dehumidifiers and gas stoves.

Clergy are also on hand to provide spiritual support to those who have been evacuated.

Individual parishes are also accepting donations of bedding, pillows, blankets, mattresses, hygiene products, diapers, baby food, school stationery, non-perishable food, and all necessary items.

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